HC: The Cursed Manor

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. A whole year has passed since Damien has seen or even talked to his closest friends William and Mark.
. But life surely got busy for him being Mayor, having meetings frequently and staying late in the office till the dead of night filling paperworks.
. Last he'd heard of his friends William was in Africa hunting some poor animals and Mark.. He was majoring in roles in some good upcoming movies.
. Very stressed, a bit lonely but happy Damien continued his busy routine until one day he'd recieved a invitation that was written in Mark's messily handwriting.
. The Mayor was hesitant about accepting it which confused him seeing it was his friend that supported him and had fun throughout college with, ignoring his gut instincts which was telling him to ignore it Damien smiled knowing within a week he's going to see his good friends again and have a good time.
. Months Mark read ever front page headline containing the good deeds his old friend Damien been doing, the actor growing with anger and envy reading and hearing how everyone seemed to love Damien.
. "How dare Damien thinks he's better than me... I'm the famous Actor here not him.. Why do people love him more than me?" Mark constantly asks himself daily looking at all the newspaper clipping stuck on the wall.
. Mark knew the dark power, a curse that his Manor holds begging loudly to it to humiliate Damien once he comes over here.
. The main reason of throwing a party and inviting the loveable, caring Damien was to humiliate him.
. Poor Benjamin worried that his boss was going crazy hearing him seemingly talking to himself.
. The early evening arrived Mark was unusually hyper, excited, even more louder than usual wearing his pink robe sipping a alcoholic drink while laughing whatever the detective and William was talking about.
. Damien arrived a few minutes late due to some work at the office wearing his posh clean black suit along with a mayor ribbon on his jacket.
. Stepping inside Damien had to blink multiple times suddenly feeling strange like a dark energy latched itself onto him.
. Benjamin greeted him with a smile handing him a glass of champagne and lead him over to the rest of them.
. Happy reunion between friends.
. Mark was extremely feeling happy and full of himself planning on distracting his friend to keep him here as long as possible even a night.
. For a hour or two all men joyfully laughed, telling jokes and Mark kept up making Benjamin getting more alcohol for them all.
. Mark especially made sure Damien had plenty of alcohol so he would be distracted and unfocused.
. Normally Damien wouldn't drink much alcohol but the three men were very persuasive saying he needed a night to relax.
. Getting drunk off his ass the mayor didn't hear his stomach growl or glurp in humanly before starting to protrude outwards slowly.
. After a solid 30 minutes of drunkingly shenanigans in the Manor the effects easily became noticeable.
. Damien's Black stomach that was perfectly straight now had a round plump bump the buttons creaked softly, his cheeks puffing up leaving him with two red chubby cheeks and even his sleek pants looked tighter around his thicker flabbier thighs and larger butt.
. The men already moved over to the round poker table all of them laughing and messily playing poker.
. Damien unaware of the weight gain he was experiencing sat down letting out soft hiccups.
. During one of Mark's funny stories it send everyone into a fit of laughter, Damien giggled his soft basketball gut raised up putting too much pressure on the buttons and with a high ping they flew off rattling on the ground.
. In his drunken state Damien didn't even realise his jacket popped open showing his stretched button up shirt or the way his rotund, tubby belly curved outwards that if anyone looked closely could see it still growing.
. But the other three men definitely heard heard the loud strange sound immediately turning their heads towards the mayor and couldn't help but poke fun at their friend.
. "Hic! Dames I didn't realise you were a gluttonous Hic! Man.. Well it's about time it caught up.. In college he ate like an animal" William slurred his words sitting on the mayor's right and giggled eyes hazy while reaching out poking the doughy sphere.
. "Yeah! Are you hungry doughboi?" Mark asked being the least drunk but still very tipsy, the actor grinning without waiting standing up knocking his chair back and wobbly headed for the kitchen.
. Damien chuckled softly thinking his friends were only joking.
. William drunkingly fell off the chair letting out horse like laughs as he crawled over to his friend placing both hands on Damien's chubby belly beginning to rub and squeeze it.
. Re-entering the room sluggishly Mark carried a dozen doughnuts in a box seeing William lazily playing with Damien's softening fat gut as the buttons creaked struggling to contain his spare-tire.
. Things got a little heated that lazily drunken night. Mark fed Damien the while box of doughnuts effectively popping the bottom two buttons off his shirt and afterwards William and Mark carried Damien upstairs where for a good 60 minutes no one got any sleep.
. And poor Benjamin would have to change Mark's bed sheets in the morning.
. Mark actually feeling shy and nervous not his usual confident, loud self as he explains to a very shocked chubby Damien everything.
. After eveything the mayor chuckled completely forgiving the actor pulling him and William into a hug which they smile happily snuggling close to his warm, pillow body.
. "Do me one favour Mark and leave this Manor! Live with me this place is negative... Has corrupted you... You were never like this" After many tears from Mark he'd agreed quickly moving in with Damien and William while bringing Benjamin because he's the best butler and also a close friend now.
. It took time but months later the Manor's curse its dark negative control over Mark was gone and was free to be happy with his boyfriends.

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