Chubby Jacksepticeye x Tyler Scheid

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A/n: requested by Septic_boi17

Warning: This does have a bit of smut in it....

"Tyler, I know you planning something Mr. Gentle giant" Jack said giving his muscular boyfriend a pointed look squinting his eyes suspiciously causing Tyler to let out a laugh and wrap his beefy arm around Jack's plush waist making his hand rest on the side of the Irishman's protruding rotund beerbelly. Both men were walking down the street the American being extra touchy with his chubby boyfriend having an arm around Sean's waist, kissing the youtuber's soft tubby cheek to lightly squeezing Sean's plump love handles that spill over his trousers.

"Well first of all, we going to McDonald's in 9:30 in the morning which we never done before and secondly TyTy bear you wanted me to wear my blue suit which I am that hardly fits me now and close to bursting out of it" Sean pointed out as he looked down at his suit feeling how constricted the clothing was around his tubby body. The jacket pulled tightly over his large, doughy gut the buttons handing on barely from the pressure as the same thing was happening to his white dress shirt, his trousers wasn't fairing any better as they snugly wrap around his thick tree trunks like thighs making walking a little hard for Sean and his two soft ass cheeks pushed hard into the seat of his trousers making Sean gulp as he hoped not to rip the seams in the middle of his ass.

"Well I want to treat my soft very huggable leprechaun to some lunch and that suit clings nicely to your sexy body Sean" Tyler growled into his boyfriend's ear making the smaller chubbier male blush a lot. Sean chuckled as they walked in silence in the nice cool autumn air feeling the sun softly beaming its warm rays over the LA area, Tyler smirked his hand leaving his boyfriend's belly as he softly squeezed Sean's butt making him yelp and look at the American his entire face red.

"Look at you Sean, so soft, plump and chubby for me. I'll like that piggy" Tyler whispered seductively into the youtuber's ear his hand squeezing harder on Sean's butt. The Irishman bit his lip to keep from moaning from the slight teasing and name-calling as he wiggled his hips trying his best not to get too excited downstairs but Tyler had other plans for his boyfriend.

"I'm betting you thinking about stuffing food into your cute tubby tummy of yours already" Tyler said his other hand landing directly on Sean's bulging basketball gut and wiggled his fingers into the gap touching the man's sensitive belly button causing Sean to giggle lightly.

"T-Tyl-" Sean tried to say but got interrupted by the American.

"You wanting to keep getting bigger and bigger for me. You want to eat and eat until you bursting out of your clothes in front of everyone in McDonald's, you want everyone to know how much of a gluttonous pig you secretly are Sean" Tyler growled quietly his fingers on Sean's butt danced across the soft smooth skin around the man's butt crack that his trousers couldn't cover. A whimper left Sean's mouth finding the teasing, the name-calling and Tyler's husky deep voice hot as it caused his little friend downstairs to stir and start to harden as it created a noticeable tent in his incredible tight pants easily showing that he was sporting a boner.

"You want people to take pictures to record videos of you popping out of your skin-tight clothes so the whole world knows you are one chubby pig that belongs to me" Tyler said watching with lust filled eyes as his boyfriend whimpered and moan in the middle of the streets sporting morning wood in his pants that anyone could see. Sean felt embarrassed by how easily he was turned on by some simple words especially in a public place which made him even harder for some reason.

"We here my fluffy chubby prince" Tyler exclaimed happily standing in front of Sean and leaning down and softly kissing his boyfriend on the lips. In front of them was a big McDonald's place with a few people littering around the place talking with smiles on their face and eating their food.

"I can't g-go in there...I-I'm still hard" Sean whispered gulping nervously as his boner wasn't disappearing anytime soon.

"Well last time I remembered I'm in charge and I want to make sure my beautiful boyfriend is eating plenty of food...Sean say you're beautiful" Tyler said smirking as he crossed his beefy large arms across his broad padded chest as he became more dominant with the youtuber.

"I'm beautiful..." Sean replied instantly. Giving a soft smile Tyler grabbed one of Sean's pudgy hands and gave it a sweet gentle kiss making the Irishman giggle softly.

"You go find a seat sexy while I go buy you food" Tyler winked before turning around and headed inside the building. Taking some deep calming breaths that made the youtuber much calmer downstairs he'd walked in seeing not many people inside McDonald's his blue eyes immediately landing on Tyler's tall body, Sean blushed when his eyes landed on Tyler's bubble butt that was tightly packed in the man's jeans as he looked around before walking over to an isolated booth in a corner and slide right next to the window.

"I'll want you to eat all of the food" Tyler's deep voice spoke up as the man placed the tray on the table before sitting next to the startled Sean who eyes widened seeing a huge stack of many foods from burgers, fries and a bottle of cola. Sean quickly grabbed his first burger taking a huge bite as the flavors exploded in his mouth making him moan before taking two more larger bites finishing the burger swiftly, the Irishman grabbed another burger as he set himself a fast pace of eating the greasy fast food.

'Look at Sean, so sexy and handsome' Tyler thought to himself his hands twitching wanting to hold his soft, chubby boyfriend in his arms or use his hands to knead and play with Sean's rotund paunch. Sean was blissfully unaware of Tyler's gaze looking up and down over his body as he continued to shove burger after burger into his mouth, his doughy gut slowly expanded outwards growing closer to the edge of the table. The American skillfully sneaked a hand around the youtuber's swelling paunch and unbuttoned the two buttons on Sean's tight jacket and straight away the jacket fell to the side revealing a very snug button up shirt with diamond gaps in between showing pale flabby flesh.

"If you keep on eating like this Sean you going to outgrow your clothes and forced to walk out of here for everyone to see your glorious beerbelly hanging out so they know you a gluttonous pig" Tyler teased the Irishman squeezing one of Sean's plentiful plump love handles. Sean whimpers were muffled with large amounts of food stuffed in his mouth as he already embarrassingly became hard as a tent was created in his pants once again but this time Tyler grinned seeing this and placed his palm over his boyfriend's clothed crotch and began to palm Sean through the clothes.

"HMP T-tyler!" Sean panted out his voice muffled a lot as he started to shove fries into his mouth hungrily. Sean's once bright blue eyes turned into two a dark blue color as they widened in lust as he looked up at the American who smirked as Tyler used his other hand and started to feed Sean fast.

"Someone's a skinny little piggy, gotta make sure you nice and full with food" Tyler said growling a bit as he kept on feeding his boyfriend handfuls of fries. Sean's face turned bright red as his eyes looked around seeing no one was looking at them a loud pinging sound followed by a tapping sound as the bottom button from his shirt popped off revealing a large amount of pale hairy, doughy belly as it swelled more and more.

'Tyler is gonna really make me pop out of my shirt' Sean thought before moaning as Tyler still palmed his clothed boner a bit faster and harder. Boxes started to pile up on the table higher and higher Tyler bit his lip as he shoved the last handful of fries into Sean's mouth before, Sean used his hand to muffle his loud burps into his hand and the Irishman leaned backwards letting out a massive exhale causing the second bottom button to pop right off and Sean would have flinched if he wasn't too full and bloated as he heard Tyler growl.

"I NEED YOU NOW MY HANDSOME EMERALD!" Tyler shouted acting like a wild animal as he climbed out of the booth and pulling his boyfriend out and placed Sean in his strong arms as he rushed out of the McDonald's ignoring the pure confusion on everyone's faces.

Let's just say that all the neighbors called the police for a noise complaint saying they heard a T-rex roaring loudly for a solid 45 minutes....but it was only Tyler

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