Chubby SchneepleBro (Chubby Chase x Chubby Henrik)

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A/n: requested by chickennugget784

The aroma of freshly baked pastries mixed with the strong smell of coffee filled the air in the small coffee shop of Starbucks only a few people littered around the shop as the weather outside currently dark with stormy clouds and rain quickly shot down from the sky already making small amount of puddles and wetting anyone who braves enough to adventure out in this terrible weather. Chase sat near a window his back against the front door with a hot steaming cup of coffee and a plate filled with chocolate chip cookies on the small round table, the green hair male took a long sip of his drink and sighed in relief feeling the hot liquid wash down his throat and settle into his stomach. Typing away on his phone the ego mindlessly shoved cookies after cookie into his gaping mouth the man chuckled seeing a funny meme and sending it to his best friend Bing, the door opened with a quiet ringing sound as rain pelted inside the coffee and in came a grumpy soaked Henrik. The doctor's brown hair stuck on his forehead as his light brown coat dripped water onto the floor the man quickly took off his cold soaked coat and immediately his eyes locked onto Chase's figure as he walked towards him, wet sloppy footsteps tapped against the floor as Henrik walked past the other ego and took the opposite side dropping the coat on the floor and sat down with a huff.

"The weather can Leck mich am Arsch!" Henrik said in an annoyed tone using a hand to shake off some water out of his hair and styling it to the side. Chase chuckled lightly at the man looking up with a smile which seemed to irritate the German ego who narrowed his eyes at the happy man.

"Someone's a grumpy cat" Chase snickered passing the second cup of coffee over the table to the wet, annoyed doctor who quite frankly looked ready to murder Chase but gave a small smile as he brought the cup to his lips and immediately drank half of it ignoring the burning sensation at the back of his throat. Chase picked up the last cookie pushing the whole thing into his mouth and moaning quietly as he enjoyed the sweet chocolate taste not seeing the frown that started to appear on Henrik's face as the doctor raised his eyebrows and looked under the table seeing Chase's rotund, tubby basketball size beerbelly pushing against the blue hoodie making a very noticeable bump in it.

"Are you sure you should be eating that Chase? You could stand losing a few pounds before you turn into a whale" Henrik commented raising his head back up from underneath the table looking directly at Chase's face and seeing the man having two round chubby cheeks covered in stubble. Chase nervously swallowed as his lips straightened into a neutral expression and he'd placed his hands on his lap to hide how much they were shaking.

"What do you mean by that dude?" Chase asked with an unusual quietness and shyness in his voice feeling a lump start to build up inside his throat which wouldn't disappear as he tried to swallow.

"No offense Chase but...look at yeh, you becoming a fatass" Henrik replied instantly with a somewhat sharp tone like telling off a child for misbehaving. Heart beating rapidly in his chest and his vision becoming blurry Chase looked down at himself and saw his pudgy paunch resting on his lap, the man knew he'd put on some weight but it was mainly due to him to recover from his alcohol addiction and moved onto food instead.

'Gosh, look how disgusting I am. Even my crush think's so' Chase thought as he looked up with fiery eyes and tears spilled out of his blue eyes and rolled down his chubby cheeks landing on his hoodie.

"I rather be a fatass then become a heartless jerk like you Henrik" Chase said in a surprisingly steady voice as his lip wobbled and the dad quickly stood up grabbing his phone and stormed out of the coffee shop into the cold, dull outside where the downpour of rain stopped. The doctor sighed miserably rubbing his forehead feeling a headache starting to appear as he sat alone at the table.

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