HC: The King's Betrayal

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. Majority of the egos live together in the Manor due to Dark's idea saying its easier to communicate and work together to take down Mark.
. Except for King who lives in his tree Castle which has hundreds of rooms for his loyal squirrels, a massive chandelier and a golden throne covered in many rare gems.
. King loves to live a fancy life and refused to live in the Manor saying it was plain and boring.
. Hands down Dark is the most bossy ego of them all but King comes in close being second.
. Many days the Royal ego would spend sitting in his throne ordering his squirrels, belittling them and flaunting his gold, treasures and how rich he is... Totally being rude.
. His loyal subjects... His kind hearted servents... His squirrels having short tempers and quickly coming to the conclusion of hating the man but keeping quiet.
. King wasn't always a rich, arrogant snob that thinks the world revolves around him. No he was a kind hearted, sweet man that always helped injure animals especially squirrels.
. But that changed when King has met Dark, the demon obviously having a negative effect on him and changed him for the worse.
. For years the squirrels silenty begun to grew angry at King all vowing to rebel against the ego if he crosses the line.
. That day soon happened when the ego decided to punish one of the squirrels that he'd ordered to fetch him a jar of peanut butter and accidentally dropped it.
. King fuming in rage tossed the young squirrel in the dungeon telling the rest not to feed that "Imbecile worthless peasant" before ordering them to carry on with their duties.
. News travel fast throughout the squirrel Kingdom and within matter of hours all squirrels decided enough its enough and wanting to leave but knowing King would capture them.
. One thing King misjudged was the fact his loyal subjects are highly intelligent.
. They watched for days letting the ego forget about the peanut butter incident, observing his behaviour.
. Talking between one another all squirrels realise that King is a total SLOB! Eating and eating many peanut butter jars while leaving the empty ones around his room.
. Yet they knew the man well enough he never exercise in his life and yet he remains slim which they all agree that if King acts like a slob and a pig he should look the part as well.
. One moonless night several squirrels stealthily snuck out of the castle climbing through a random window of the ego's Manor.
. The Manor being super creepy, chilly and Dark spooking the poor creatures but carried on looking for anything that could help them.
. Spending hours searching until coming across Dark's room where they found the demon sleeping with a large red glass bottle full of black liquid sitting on the floor near the bed.
. Super smart Squirrels knowing how to read.
. "Warning do not mix it with food!! Side effects include increased hunger, moderate/rapid weight gain, gassy!" It read on the bottle, happy with that the several squirrels carried it back to the castle.
. Immediately so many squirrels begun to help out with the plan while the others continued to do their jobs, the animals pouring a few small drops of the strange black liquid that seemed to give out a ominous glow.
. They spend the whole night tainting King's supply of peanut butter until the bottle was empty and 35 peanut butter jars was now tainted.
. It was now a waiting game for all the squirrels.
. They didn't need to wait long as the next morning King planted himself heavily in his throne demanding his peanut butter straight away.
. Hundreds of Squirrels came walking in carrying the 35 tainted peanut butter jars along with 3 sets of spoons as they planning to feed all of this to the stuck up King.
. Firstly King didn't pay attention to the huge quantity of peanut butter just the huge smiling group of squirrels.
. Secondly just as King about to demand why there was a huge group of them in front of him a spoonful of peanut butter got shoved into his mouth making him moan and get distracted by the delicious taste.
. The ego wasn't gonna question their strange behavior but more importantly he couldn't as they seemed to set a pace feeding him three times one spoon after another preventing him from talking.
. Quite quickly King's normally lean stomach started to swell outwards gradually with fat and it apparently was obvious as the squirrels quietly talked to themselves seeing the red fluffy sweater bulge outwards.
. Normally King would be questioning why his subjects feeding him but the sweet tasty peanut butter blocked his thinking and that his appetite seemed to be increasing which he'd just moaned and let them feed him.
. The rest of his body swiftly started to fatten up gradually his thighs filling out his pants legs pushing into each other forcing him to spread them slightly, his slightly plump butt expanded lifting him up slightly in his seat, arm sleeves tightening showing his large meaty arms slowly swelling along with his now small chubby moobs that pushed against the sweater.
. Seeing that their plan was actually working seeing the man gaining weight quickly made the squirrels pickup the pace more feeding more peanut butter into King's mouth.
. Empty Jars slowly piled up on the floor as King kept on eating his now soft, plump belly that was the size of a basketball poked out from underneath his sweater.
. The squirrels made happy noises to one another knowing soon they be free from King's horrible rule and orders.
. Fatter and softer King gets as he simply lost in the flavours, not hearing the button pop off his pants, the loud tearing as his sweater and jeans rip to shreds leaving him naked showing all of his large tubby body or that his plush love handles dig into the armrests tightly.
. Once all the jars are empty and King left breathing heavily with a red chubby face sporting a permanent double chin the squirrels quickly rushed out of the castle for freedom.
. Meanwhile some Iplier's noticing the army of squirrels galloping out from the castle and simply shrugging their shoulders ignoring the weird scene like it was a daily occurance.
"Hey! Urp.. Don't Urp.. Leave me bastards" King would shout letting out loud embarrassing burps as he wiggles in his throne trying to get out only causing his huge, doughy gut wobble as it covered his lap.
. King resigning reluctantly to his fate knowing he's stuck and has to wait for one of the Iplier's to rescue him and prayed it wasn't Dark.
. To his nonexistent luck the demon found him in the next ten minutes which made the poor plump ego blush more being fat, stuck in his throne and most importantly he was extremely gassy and couldn't stop farting.
. Dark toyed with the ego for a few minutes calling him names and coming up with plans like if Mark was walking down a hill they could roll King down to flatten the youtuber.
. Gasbag
. King Tubby
. These are some of the nicknames the egos call King and that they never let this moment go.

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