Chubby Anti x Jackieboy (Part 2) Halloween overindulgence

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Half an hour ago Jackieboy man and Anti walked into the living room carrying huge amounts of candy in their burlap bags both smiling brightly showing off their pearly whites it was the one time of the year where both of them can be out in public being themselves since everyone dresses up on Halloween and no one bats an eye at them. Setting down their sacks of candy onto the coffee table Anti falls back onto the brown sofa groaning in relief as the pressure on his sore feet from walking too much disappeared his black shirt ridden up a bit revealing a tiny amount of brown hair around his belly button and a stripe of pale pudgy beerbelly, the demon didn't realise his shirt rode up but his boyfriend did and bitten the inside of his cheek his cheeks reddening. The superhero recently noticed his demonic boyfriend has put on roughly 45-50 pounds which he thought Anti beautifully filled out his clothes and even his cheeks fattened up adding some roundness to them this was due to mainly that the demon sleepwalks to the kitchen and eats, it was a complete surprise to Jackie as he woke up one night finding the space next to him empty and heard some noises in the kitchen tiredly he investigated and saw his boyfriend with his eyes close shovelling cookies into his mouth Anti being shirtless gave Jackie the perfect view of his stomach bloated outwards the hero didn't know what to do so he went back to bed too tired to deal with this shit at the moment.

"I'll be right back muffin" Jackieboy man said sweetly as he heard his boyfriend grunt in acknowledgement walking away the hero headed for the restroom. Two minutes later Jackie returned to the living room hearing quiet little snoring sounds coming from Anti who was sleeping soundly, shaking his head the green hair superhero softly sat next to his boyfriend and started to dig in to his mountain of candy.

Half an hour later Jackie leaned back rubbing his bloated taut stomach having overdone it with the candy he ate.'Damn my sweet tooth' the hero thought looking down he saw that his belly pushed up against his tight superhero costume creating a small bump in it, A belch leaves his lips as he looks at his lover then back at the demon's sack then back at Anti a grin stretched across his face as an idea formed in his head.

'I wonder can I feed my boyfriend while he is asleep.' Reaching into Anti's candy the hero pulled out a kitkat bar ripping the packet the superhero gently placed the chocolate onto his lover's lips the demon still asleep opened his mouth and Jackie pushed the candy in watching as the sleeping demon munched on it and swallowing it. Smirking deviously Jackieboy man grabbed handfuls of candy from his boyfriend's sack and started to feed him 1 aero bar, 2 aero bars, 3 aero bars gone then 4 Cadbury chocolate bars gone then 4 Hershey bars gone which cause a slight mess around the demons mouth as it smeared, the superhero continued to feed the candy to his sleeping boyfriend his eyes watched as the supernatural entities pudgy beerbelly inflated with huge amounts of food being stuffed in it pushing the black shirt further up revealing more of Anti's bloated belly the button on his black jeans struggled for so long that it couldn't handle the pressure anymore and popped right off hitting onto the ceiling and landing the floor giving the demon's gut more room as it pushed the zipper down half way. Jackie paused what he was doing and lovingly and lustfully stared at his boyfriend's stomach not noticing that Anti eyes were wide open and were staring straight at him.

"Enjoying yourself mister" Anti teasingly said watching the superhero jump in his seat and shyly looking at him his cheeks coating in red hue but then the demon saw his boyfriend's bloated stomach and grinned evilly an idea forming inside his head.

"Well since you have been feeding me it's only right that I pay you back" Anti snickered seeing Jackie's confused expression. Jackieboy man opened his mouth to ask what he was planning but 2 flying milky way bars flew straight into his mouth the hero coughed and munched on the candy swallowing the delightful treats and stared eye-wide at the demon.

"I'm already full An-"Again the same thing happened as the demon used his telekinetic power to flung 3 Hershey bars into his gob forcing the hero to munch and swallow the candy.

"You're a superhero right love and all superheroes need to eat" Anti voiced his opinion still sending random candies to his boyfriend who surprisingly stopped struggling and enjoyed himself. 15 minutes later the feeding has stopped and Jackie's stomach was bloated and tight as a drum making the hero look like he simply put on 20 pounds chocolate smudged all around his mouth.

"I don't think I can move Anti" Jackie groaned to his boyfriend who painfully still full shuffled close to his superhero boyfriend and laid his head on his shoulder as he rubbed at Jackie's solid hard belly.

"Let's sleep it off here we feel better in themorning" Anti replied both men slowly fell into a deep food coma.

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