Chubby Marvin x Bubbly Reader

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Clapping roared around the theatre as some people awed in wonder and astonishment as tiny specks of fire butterflies flapped their wings above the audience who looked up with childlike wonder in their sparkling eyes, stage lights shining on Marvin who stood on stage with his unique trademark cat mask secured on his face a bright wide smile never leaving as his assistant (y/n) stood on the side wearing fake bunny ears on their head as they too stared at the scene in admiration. Flapping his black cape dramatically the magician clapped his gloved white hands making the butterflies puff out of existence replacing them with white snowflakes gently falling landing on the audience who let out a massive awe, quickly glancing Marvin's purple eyes observed you from the corner of his eyes his smile somehow widening and his cheeks coated in a red hue. (y/n) the most breath-taking gorgeous human he's ever met completely stolen his heart Marvin loves to hear you laugh or talk passionately about your hobbies and whenever you not around the magician's feels like the world around him lost a little bit of colour.

"I hope that you all have a magical time here today and please give a round of applause for the new lovely assistant of mine (y/n) who I couldn't have done this without their help" the magician shouted excitedly clapping his hands along with the crowd as you stood next to Marvin your cheeks brightly red waving at the audience.

"This is Marvin the magnificent wishing you a good evening"

"(f/c) bunny (y/n) thanks you all for coming to Marvin's act"

"AND GOODNIGHT" you both simultaneously shouted as the red curtain closed down on the stage effectively ending Marvin's magical act. The magician gave out a slow relieving exhale his shoulders dropping from tensing them all the way through the show of course this isn't the ego's first magic show he's ever done but every time he stood on stage the lights beaning down on him and thousands of eyes staring patiently at him it makes him nervous uneasy but exciting at the same time.

"Marvin I got you something" you happily said hyperactively bouncing towards him while holding a pink box that filled with delicious pink frosting cupcakes.

"What is it (y/n)?" Marvin questioned his orbs closely observing your body the way your jeans snug around your hips to your simple thin pink shirt. His heart beating faster the magician openly stared at you his lips felt dry as he poked his tongue out moistening them every curve of your body send adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"I made you some delicious Macaroons as a thank you for hiring me" you happily said handing the container over to the magician whose eyes immediately lit up with excitement ripping off the lit. in the box there are a variety of different colours from red to pink to green to brown it looked like someone shoved a rainbow in there and they stacked on top of one another, picking up a light pink one the green hair male tossed the whole thing into his mouth chewing slowly the flavours exploding in his mouth causing him to moan in delight you giggled at his antics making the male giving you a toothy smile.

"These are AMAZING (y/n) I love them" Marvin announced joyfully shoving 4 Macaroons into his mouth effectively bulging his cheeks a bit.

"Thank you" you blushed. You always enjoyed talking to Marvin he always made you smile and laugh maybe it was his goofy nature or that you been harbouring a crush on the magician who could blame you he always made sure you were comfortable during rehearsals and every time you brought him lunch or a cup of coffee or tea he always wraps his arms around you in a hug and thanks you profusely many times like you gave him the best present in the world. Glancing down at your watch your eyes widened noticing that you both spent roughly 20 minutes behind the curtains.

"I best be going Marv before it gets too dark" you said with a hint of sadness in your voice but you tried to hide it with a smile. Turning round you headed for the backdoor just as you reached for the handle a gloved white hand touched your shoulder looking behind you saw Marvin looking sheepish.

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