HC: Living With Chubby Septic Egos Would Include

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A/n: Might do one for the Iplier's and Sanders sides if people are interested :P

. It was Sean's idea for you to live with him and the egos and once the idea in the air all the egos quickly pestered you for hours on end until you agreed.
. Even the knife welding anger issue very short demon expressed his feeling about you moving in with them.
. "If you don't move in with us then I'm gonna stab you in the butt repeatedly" It was Anti's way of saying he cares about you and makes it easier for Anti to look after you if you live in the same house.
. It only took you... Half an hour to pack all of your things because...they all eager to have you live with them quickly.
. You know this could be chaotic and noisy knowing that Sean can be loud and you expected the others to be like Sean.
. You were not wrong.
. First day living with them you woke upto what you presumed was a Velociraptor hungry tearing it's prey apart and eating.. And investigating the sounds you were close it was all the egos munching away on their massive breakfast.
. You could see some similarities between Sean and the egos.
. Like Sean who loves his sweet foods the egos absolutely can't live without their cakes, cookies, brownies and other sweet stuff.
. But the main difference is that while Sean is lean, his egos weren't like that they are quite large, plump and chubby but all being in different sizes.
. Robbie being the smallest with a tiny pudgy belly and Anti being the biggest ego with his massive rotund, tubby belly always poking out from his shirts and his jeans riding low on his plush waist showing his yellow underwear off that Robbie got for him for Christmas.
. Despite living with the world's noisiest roommates they are the nicest, kindest and loveable people on earth.
. Every Friday they have family game nights and first you avoided it because you wasn't apart of the family but that was quickly shit down by Chase saying you are apart of this dysfunctional family and joining in on the fun.
. Monopoly was banned in the house when Henrik swore angrily and lit the game on fire.
. Also cards for humanities also got banned when it started to taint Robbie's pure mind.
. The egos dubbing you as the "Mom" while Chase being the dad because you two looking after these egos who acted more like children then adults.
. You cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for them everyday since the most they can make is burnt toast or just ordering fast food.
. And everytime they all overeat leaving their bellies bigger and bloated, you go around rubbing and massaging their soft tummies softly while they describe you as an angel.
. Three times a week you help Robbie with writing and reading since he doesn't know and constantly praise him alot and give him hugs.
. Helping Anti with his anger issues by positive re-enforcement and everytime Anti calmed down or didn't get his knife out you would happily feed him a cookie and rub his doughy, plump belly that never fails to calm him down.
. You dragging Henrik by the ear when he over works and putting him in bed and staying with him knowing he will try to sneak off and the doctor smirking and force you to lie down as he cuddles you.
. You helping to bandage any Jackie's wounds and make sure the hero is fine before giving him his favourite food and saying how proud you are that he's protecting people.
. You helping Chase with his alcoholism and talking things out and helping the man to heal slowly.
. You asking JJ to help learn sign language because you want to communicate with him which makes him cry happily and hug you then spending months maybe years learning.
. You seeing a side of Anti you never seen as you see him acting as a big brother to Robbie and taking good care of the zombie by feeding the zombie, letting Robbie snuggle into him and playing with Anti's soft, tubby gut and even seeing Anti teaching Robbie about money and how to cook which made you smile happily.
. Demon's have a heart too and onyl showing it to the people they trust most.
. Movie night you always squished inbetween two chubby bodies mostly JJ and Anti plus having Robbie leaning his head on the demon's pillow belly while you softly rub his small pudgy pot belly which quickly lures him to sleep.
. Overall you glad that Sean and the egos talked you into moving in because now you have a close second family that you love with all of your heart and they love you so much as well.

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