Some Chubby Tyiel/Dyler Headcanons

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A/n: This is a ship between me and Tyler, I couldn't figure out a good name XD.... Normally I don't write myself but... Here we go XD

. Both men pretty much quiet types so there will be alot of comfortable silences which both men are happy with.
. Tyler being the more outgoing, active type of guy while Daniel being the more shy, quiet likes to stay indoors.
. The giant man literally has to carry his skinny boyfriend out of the house making Daniel a blushing mess and hide his face in Tyler's soft chubby chest.
. Tyler always supporting his shy boyfriend and helping him to come out of his shell and introducing him to his friends Mark, Ethan, Wade and Bob.
. At first Daniel wouldn't talk much and hide in Tyler's plush side but after a while the shorter brown hair male would feel comfortable and talk freely and laugh.
. Tyler isn't normally affectionate in public but around his friends he always has Daniel on his lap.
. Tyler the teasing T-Rex.
. Tyler always whispering dirty things into his boyfriend's ear making Daniel shiver as the giant kisses his neck and grinds his clothed erection against Daniel's ass.
. Tyler the horny giant
. Like seriously Tyler loves his boyfriend alot and everytime he sees Daniel or more specifically he ass the American immediately pops a boner.
. Daniel would be a blushing stuttering mess everytime Tyler smacks his butt.
. Daniel constantly making sure his soft yet buff giant is always well fed cooking and baking tons of food.
. The shy male sitting down on Tyler's lap holding a massive plate of dessert/pastries and feeding him slowly because Daniel is such a gentle soul and not wanting to hurt the American.
. Daniel's face would be a constant red as he feeds Tyler while rubbing his large, protruding pudgy belly that makes Tyler's shirts ride up the soft, doughy belly revealing some stretchmarks.
. Both men absolutely loving each other.
. Tyler always shooting heart filled eyes towards his boyfriend.
. No arguments between these two men as they always politely talk things out.
. Tyler frequently wears tight clothes that show his perfect chubby and muscular curves from his huge, plump gut sticking out, his swollen pecs standing proud and solid with muscles and fat, thighs as thick as tree trunks and his chunky bubble butt that tightly packs in the man's jeans and shorts.
. Tyler not a jealous man but sometimes when he sees Daniel and Ethan getting along well and laughing he becomes silent standing next to hsi boyfriend and glaring at Ethan until he leaves.
. T-Rex Tyler coming out.
. Once getting home Tyler growling becoming dominant over Daniel and shows the shorter male who's the boss and takes him to their shared bedroom.
. No neighbours getting any sleep that night.
. Daniel.... Be limping for a solid week after that.
. Tyler also being a gentle giant helping Daniel throughout panic attacks, asthma attacks and whenever Daniel gets ill.
. Tyler getting seriously concerned when he notices how sometimes his boyfriend forgets to eat, shower and basically takes care of himself.
. Tyler forcing Daniel on his lap and feeding him a bowl of soup while muttering that he needs to take better care as he loves Daniel with all of his heart.
. Such a sweet relationship these two men have and Tyler absolutely being the protective, loveable boyfriend that supports Daniel.
. No neighbours wanting to live near them because they both too loud XD.

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