The Magician's Accidental Slime Creation

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A/n: Here you go everyone who voted for this :P Wasn't sure on how to end this so I apologise the ending sucks 

Dark grey clouds hovered above the sky as light drizzle pelted down hitting the magician's window, papers scattered across the floor, bed and desk along with empty bottles with odd colour liquids dripping down staining the carpet. Marvin stood in front of his massive treasure chest his hands moving magical ingredients around while his black cauldron was a couple of feet behind him filled with a bright emerald green colour with an occasional bubble rising and popping.

"Dragon's scale...nope don't need that...eye of ender...definitely don't need it right now... JJ's voice box..close but not good enough" Marvin mumbled pushing some ingredients aside searching for a specific item for the potion he was currently creating. Bringing up a black looking potion to his face Marvin narrowed his ruby eyes at the strange liquid before uncapping it and taking a big sniff at it causing his face to turn into a sickly colour as he gagged and quickly sealed it back up.

"Oh boi! That potion smelled just like Anti and he smells horrendous" Marvin slowly swallowed back the sick that came up from his throat making him pull a face and pull up his cat mask that slightly fell down his face.

"In the wise words of Chase Brody... Yeet! motherfucker yeet!" Marvin exclaimed throwing the potion behind him without looking. The bottle flew in the air and causing a small splashing sound as it landed in the cauldron and sunk underneath the thick green liquid, the magician didn't bother to turn around as he resumed his searching in the chest. The green potion that was sitting inside the cauldron started to bubble more causing several popping sounds as it changes colour to a deep dark black colour as more bubbled appeared and a round lump started to rise from the liquid draining the liquid from the cauldron as it got bigger and rounder in the room making a shadow loom over Marvin who was oblivious to the huge creature.

"A! Ha! There's that crystal flower" Marvin shouted joyfully about to pick the object up but froze finally seeing the room got much darker in the last minute. Standing up Marvin turned around nervously his hands shaking uncontrollably and a loud audible gasp left him seeing a large black eyeball that was double maybe triple the size of a beachball blocking the door and taking half of the room up as it stared.. No glared at him menacingly daring the ego to move.

'How the hell has this happened? There's a floating black eyeball taking up most of my room' Marvin thought starting to panic as his back hit the wall trying to say far away from the unknown creature.

"H-Hello eyeball I'm Marvin the magnificent welcome to my ro-" Marvin introduced himself somewhat confidently before the massive slime eyeball's tail shot straight out forcing the man's mouth open keeping it locked wide open and shot down the ego's throat as it started to pump itself into Marvin's stomach leaving a familiar taste in his mouth.

'Wait...What is it doing? And.. Why does it taste like cola?' The magician thought to himself paralyzed with fear as he felt the slime pumping more of itself down his throat making him feel full very quickly as his usually flat stomach started to swell outwards against his button up vest. Marvin watched with wide eyes before taking a step forward before letting out a loud gurgled moan as the slime fed him faster not liking he moved, his stomach inflated with fat pushing harder against his vest the buttons creaked until two loud pings as they flew off revealing the ego's basketball plump gut that wobbled slightly and sagged over his pants.

'Someone please help me..How much more can I handle this?' Marvin thought before widening his ruby eyes in horror as he felt his butt and thighs swelling in his pants causing it to pinch around his increasingly chunky lower half as it rolled down slightly revealing the man's hairy butt crack. The huge slime started to shrink down as it continuously fed Marvin who started to feel his whole body swelling out with fat his flat chest bulging outwards as his small plump moobs sagged sitting on his large doughy gut that already covered his crotch, his once strong chiselled cheekbones softened up giving the ego two chubby red cheeks and permanent double flabby chin around his thick neck and his pants long time have torn to pieces leaving him in a pair of stretched boxers that barely contained his enormous butt cheeks.

In fear Marvin closed his eyes in fear but a few seconds later the last bit of slime went down his throat and quickly the magician closed his mouth in relief and re-opened his eyes to see no huge eyeball but horrified to see that he was extremely large and barely able to stand as his thick tree trunks like legs wobbled slightly.

"Thank Urp...that's over..Gotta find a way to reverse this before anyone" Marvin said slightly waddling over to his spell book to find a way to reverse this. In the end the magician never found a way to reverse it and, in a few hours, Anti stumbled across the new chubby Marvin and spend the rest of the day playing with his new butterball toy.

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