Chubby Septiplier: Magic Mishap

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A/n: Here's an old oneshot

It was the last year for one wizard Mark Fischbach in the YouTube magic and occult school and university the 24 year old male wandered down the dimly lit concrete corridor straightening his blazer he arrived at his destination an abandoned potion room, pushing the wooden door open the rusty hinges creaked loudly making the black hair student tense up and paused waiting for any unfamiliar sounds Mark knew he shouldn't be here it was against the school's rules and if he got caught he be definitely expelled. The entire school knew him as the nerdy kid who knew all the answers got straight A's on all of the tests and perfecting his potions and spells right now however he was supposed to meet the badass punk of the school Sean or Jack that's what he liked to be called always refusing to wear his blazer but wearing the school's black button-up shirt and trousers with his bright lime green hair, their worlds never collided before until a month ago as Mark would usually admire his secret crush on the punk from faraway at lunch time but one time Jack instead of sitting with his friends he sat on the opposite side of Mark who blushed madly and Jack soothing voice which sounded like an angel to Mark asked him if he could tutor him on his spells since he was failing that class and poor Mark stuttered out a yes and every Tuesday and Friday they would sneak to the abandoned potion room to help Jack with his spells.

Mark let out a breath of relief as he heard nothing pushing the door further open he quickly closed it not liking it being open. The classroom itself was in a okay condition since it hasn't been used in 50 years there were 5 rows of wooden tables with an isle to walk in the middle everything was covered in thin layer of dust indicting that no-one used it for a while, shrugging his leather bag off his shoulders Mark placed his bag on the table pulling out his spell book and his black and red wand with a small letter M printed on the handle and sat patiently on a weak mouldy stool for Jack.

"What is taking Jack so long?" Mark whined swinging his legs since his feet just barely scraped the floor twirling his wand in-between his fingers. Ten minutes have past and no sign of the green hair male boredom suffocated Mark as he started to flip through his spell book his brown eyes scanning the words air manipulation, levitation, invisible, reality manipulation, body transformation, tele-wait Mark froze turning back a page looking at the body transforming his eyes widened seeing there were multiple spells for like changing gender, increasing or decreasing height and weight increase and decrease.

"I could put on more muscle then maybe Jack would like me" Mark pondered out loud he never actually used any transformation spells since the teachers weren't allowed to use it since it was highly dangerous.

'What's the worst that could happen' Mark thought as he read the spell in his head first.

Small to big, lean to wide, make me large pack on more muscle. (Warning if you want muscles clearly say it if you don't or don't finish it well you get larger but no muscles and also point your wand at yourself once you spoke the spell out don't want anyone getting hit by it)

Mark excitedly readied his wand in the air he didn't read the warning in his haste, standing up from the old most likely smelly stool the A+ student cleared his throat getting ready to site out the incantation.

"Small to big, lean to wide, make me large-"

"Sorry I'm late Mark" Jack said out of no-where pushing the door open wearing the black button up shirt and trousers. Mark turned around a smile on his face his wand directly pointing at his crush and he stopped the spell in the middle, suddenly Jack bent over his hands clutching his stomach in pain but as it quickly appeared it disappeared leaving both men confused.

"Are you okay Jack?" Mark asked concern in his voice looking worried at his crush.

"I-I think so-I feel funny like I'm full" Jack unnaturally stuttered out then the magic started working. There was a deep pressure inside Jack's flat stomach making him groan before his stomach started to bloat outwards his hands being pushed away from one another. Jack's eyes widened in shock looking down he saw his normally flat stomach turning into a small beerbelly and it continued to inflate like a balloon, the buttons on his shirt began to strain creating gaps as small pale fleshes of Jack's belly could be seen then his trousers felt snug around his lower half turning around the Irishman saw his ass grow bigger into a bubble butt that it looks like he is hiding two basketballs there.

"Mark what's happening?" Jack asked looking panic but he didn't get an answer as Mark was frozen on the spot his mouth wide open staring straight at his crush who was piling on the pounds quickly. His meaty thighs rubbed against one another making the owner taking a wider stance his once flat pecs swelled out with fat as they turned into flabby moobs that sat comfortably on his ever growing spare-tire, the buttons gave out by one after the other they popped off releasing Jack's beach ball sized paunch the underbelly sagged over the waistband effectively flinging the button off the trousers then the last bit of magic left inside of the Irishman Jack felt his face plump up giving him some rosy round chubby cheeks and a very noticeable second chin then it stopped.

"What da fuck?" was Jack's only response his pale hands exploring every inch of his large chunky midsection. Something inside Mark snapped as he quickly ran towards Jack who had enough time to look up before Mark attached his lips onto the Irishman's soft plumpish ones it took Jack a second to catch-up before returning the kiss groaning as Mark rubbed and groped his swelled up body.

"I like you Jack for some time now" Mark admitted nuzzling his face into Jack's thicker neck. "Would you may be like to go on a date with me"

"Fookin yes Mark, why did you think I asked for your help with spells in the first place. I wasn't failing that class I had a crush on you for quite some time on the smart adorable nerd" Jack smiled they both shared a passionate kiss once again.

"So? How are we going to get out of here I can't really walk out like this" Jack gestured to himself making both of them laugh.

"..Magic maybe?"

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