Chubby Human Bing x Chase Brody

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Taking a huge bite out of the greasy tasty burger Bing moaned from the flavors exploding in his mouth closing his eyes the man leaned back in his wooden chair that he sat at the small round dining room table, Bing could feel his wide plush love handles brush softly against the armrests of the chair or how his black shirt rode up feeling a cool air against the expose pudgy beerbelly being shown. Getting lost in eating Bing didn't hear his roommates' footsteps bouncing down the hallway but heard as the chair next to him dragged against the light blue carpet.

"Hey dude? Mind if I ask you a question?" Chase piped up his eyes instantly zooming onto his roommate's rotund gut that rested on the man's lap. Opening his eyes Bing looked over at Chase polishing off the last bit of his burger the man observed how his crushes cheeks coated in red when he patted his stomach causing it to wobble.

"You already did bruh but you can ask another" Bing chuckled seeing the eyeroll the green hair male gave.

"Aren't you worried about what people think about..." Chase trailed off not knowing how to word his next words not wanting to offend the easy laidback man. Knowing what his roommate was talking about Bing let out a loud, joyous laugh that sounded throughout the small apartment Chase flinched slightly not expecting the sudden loud noise and the black hair male shook his head.

"I never really cared what people thought of me before sooo why worry now? I'm happy with the way I'm" Bing replied happily using both chubby hands to shake his blubbering belly. Chase watched with interests as his friend's spare-tire wobbled for a few seconds before settling down and the Irishman wanted nothing more than to reach out to rub the soft flabby skin.

"That's good man, your happiness should always come first Bingo. Any way you look nice with the chub" Chase tried to say nonchalantly feeling the blush on his face spread to his ears. Grinning like he won the lottery Bing saw the blush darkening against the soft, pale skin of his roommates' cheeks, his stomach grumbled angrily wanting more food that was covering the table an idea sparked inside the chubby man's head as he mischievously looked at the green hair male.

"Dude I bet I can eat more food then you" Bing spoke up knowing that Chase gets quite competitive at times. It seemed Bing's sneaky planned worked as Chase narrowed his eyes at his roommate turning his cap around in all seriousness and straightening his fairly worn out a faded black shirt.

"Bing my man, you can never beat me at anything I'm the ultimate gamer" Chase bragged leaning forward resting his elbows on the edge of the table his bright blue eyes sparkling practically shouting at Bing 'Bring it on' and Bing knew this is one-time Chase will not win.

"Really bruh prove it right here right now. Unless you too scared of a little challenge and being beaten by me" Bing sassed back wiggling his eyebrows watching his friend scooting his chair closer to the table.

"Bring it on dude" Chase said half serious half excitedly. Glancing at the table both males looked around seeing different sorts of foods scattered all over the surface from pizzas, burgers, fries to sweeter stuff like cookies, large slices of chocolate cakes and brownies.

"3..2..1..Go" Both men shouted reaching out the closes food that was near to them. Bing grabbed a burger hungrily munching on it and Chase grabbed a whole large pineapple pizza using his teeth to tear apart the cheesy pineapple pizza, loud obnoxious chewing sounds filled the air as both men fully concentrated on trying to beat each other. Bing being the much larger person with having a much bigger appetite easily took the lead devouring 3 massive burgers and starting on the cookies while Chase just finished his large pizza his breathing coming in shallow as his normally flat stomach bloated outwards creating a small bump in his shirt.

"Urghh I give up man, there was no way I could've beat you" Chase said leaning back in his chair letting his friend win the competition. Bing didn't hear his friend's voice as his mind was focused on one thing only the food directly in front of him, chocolate smeared on his lips as the American shoved cookie after cookie into his mouth, his tubby rotund gut inflated outwards pushing his shirt upwards revealing more of his bloating tan basketball size belly. Meanwhile Chase couldn't look away from his friend who was an eating machine that couldn't be stopped and the Irishman licked his lips and once again his cheeks covered in a red hue.

"I'm done bruh anymore and I might pop like a balloon" Bing chimed in, softly rubbing his taut gut that felt like a boulder was resting on top of the American. Burping loudly Bing looked after to his friend seeing his gaze looking at his spare-tire and the blush that might as well stay on his cheeks permanently, thinking for a moment Bing smacked his tightly packed gut seeing Chase opening his mouth letting out a loud exhale. 

"Ha! I finally beat you at something Chase"

"Whatever bro you had an advantage anyway since you stomach is used to this and is bigger" Chase mumbled pouting lightly and standing up with some effort and shuffling off to his room. Unknown to the Irishman Bing grinned troublesome that spelled big trouble for Chase as the American watched him shuffle away as a light bulb clicked inside Bing's mind.

'If you want it to be fair Chase all you had to do is say cause I'm going to make it even, just for YOU'

"This is going to be fun" Bing decided to rest in the chair seeing that he completely stuffed himself full and that he kinda was stuck in the chair.

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