Some Drunk Chubby Marvin Headcanons

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A/n: This is probably the last drunk headcanon unless you all want to see me write all the egos!

. Who thought it was a bright idea to give an ego who knows magic that can cause alot of chaos, Alcohol!
. Surprisingly it will take a lot of alcohol to get Marvin drunk at least three whole bottles of Jack Daniel's.
. Marvin having no hesitation to use his magic when he's drunk and casting spells everywhere.
. Marvin making all the food coming to life and the food forcibly making all the egos eat them till there's no more food.
. All the egos very full and bloated after that incident.
. Sober Marvin would be incredibly insecure about his chubby body and would try to hide with baggy clothes but Drunk Marvin using his magic to shrink his clothes enough to show every plump curve of his body from his protruding pudgy gut with his tubby love handles spilling over his jeans waistband to his wide, plush ass.
. Marvin being very body positivity and frowning seeing Anti very skinny and deciding to change that.
. "Antiii... You look like a twig... Here let me help you" Marvin said slurring his speech as he places a glowing hand on Anti and immediately the demon quickly gains weight his jeans ripping to pieces and his black shirt sitting on his large, rotund, tubby belly acting like a sports bra.
. Robbie refusing to let go of Anti for the rest of the night and cuddling into the soft demon.
. Very stubborn Marvin and doesn't take no for an answer.
. "Hey Urp... Marv! I'm full" Henrik groaned feeling his normally lean stomach bloated outwards creating a small noticable bump in his sweater. Marvin shakes his head and continues to feed Henrik.
. Marvin being very touchy with Jackie from spanking the hero's ass, whispering into Jackie's ear as his hand rubs the egos chest to hard-core kissing session in the broom closet.
. Randomly Marvin summoning 100 kittens from thr animal shelters and Adopting then as his own children and being so emotional amd crying hysterically as he pets and hugs them all.

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