Chubby Jacksepticeye x Chubby Darkiplier: Cinema Stuffing

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"Hmm, what film did you say you wanted to see my chubby leprechaun prince?" Dark asked wrapping his thick arm around his boyfriend's abundant soft waist pulling Sean closer to his body and placing a hand on the side of Sean's big, rotund belly. For a while Dark could remember his boyfriend being hyper to see a certain film since the beginning of the year begging and pleading the demon to see it, of course Dark teased him quite a bit which saying he might be too busy but in reality, he would do anything to see Sean smiling.

"Avengers Endgame, you know that my chubby bear" Sean replied smiling at the ego seeing a blush covering Dark's round chubby cheeks. Cuddling further into his boyfriend's side Sean placed a hand on the front of the demon's large, bulging plump gut that was tightly packed into the white button up shirt and jacket that showed of the roundness of Dark's stomach and the Irishman lightly tapped his fingers on the buttons that were holding on containing the ego's paunch.

"Oh yeah, I'll buy the tickets while you go buy plenty of snacks my lucky clover" Dark softly said leaning down capturing the youtuber's soft lips and kissed him for a couple of seconds. Separating Sean felt a little breathless as he stared into the ego's black eyes before stealthily squeezing his boyfriend's plush ass before giggling like a child and shuffling away towards where the food located. Shaking his head in amusement from Sean's antics Dark took a quick look around the large open space of the lobby in the cinema seeing posters hanging on the walls, the food area where his boyfriend just arrived, the ugly pattern of red and purple for the carpet and the counter where to buy the tickets which had one person standing there looking bored out of her mind. Quickly buying two tickets Dark slowly walked over to the Irishman who finally paid for the snacks and was struggling to carry it all in his arms.

"Here love, let me carry some" Dark spoke up taking two large popcorns from his boyfriend's arms and carrying them himself.

"Thanks, babyboo" Sean replied gratefully carrying one large popcorn and two bottles of cola. Walking down the quiet empty hallway until arriving the designated room Dark pushed open the red door with his back and being the gentleman he is, kept it open for Sean who shuffled by saying a quick thanks. The lights were off in the room as both men walked into the room the huge screen just finished playing the last trailer as the movie started up making the Irishman squeal in delight and running of into the middle row of seats and plonking his ass in the seat, the demon chuckled at his boyfriend's silly, hyperactive self and slowly shuffled up the small steps at the side of many rows of seats which are all mostly empty except for a few odd people scattered about the room.

"Damn small seats" Dark grumbled to himself as he wiggled his wide, plush ass in the obvious small seat. Finally sitting down in the seat next to the youtuber Dark shuffled in his seat feeling the armrests digging into his plentiful, soft love handles. Glancing at Sean he saw him already lost in the film already eating handfuls of popcorn his blue eyes wide with excitement and wonder never leaving the screen, looking back at the screen the demon reached for the popcorn on his lap and started to munch on it finding himself getting distracted by the movie.

Throughout the three-hour film both men mindlessly shoved handfuls of popcorn into their mouths more on Dark's part then Sean since he literally froze in his seat in some parts and stopped eating for a couple of minutes. The demon unaware of his already large, blubbering gut swelling up with more food he continued to eat pushing his jacket further outwards and outwards until the two shiny black buttons popped off hitting the chair in front of the ego, thankfully the sound was loud enough so no one apart from Sean who heard it who smirked seeing his demonic boyfriend outgrowing his clothes. Sean's smaller but big, plump belly bloat out from the food he ate slowly causing his tight cloak t-shirt to ride up revealing a small amount of flabby, pale skin. Occupied from the movie Dark devoured the first large bag of popcorn and quickly started his second unknowing the situation he's getting himself into, his ill-fitting white button up shirt creaked louder as gaps in-between the buttons became larger and larger as Dark's huge, chunky, beach ball size belly continued to expand until the bottom two buttons simultaneously flung off revealing the demon's round pale gut that sat comfortably on his lap and his bountiful love handles tightly squished against the armrests effectively trapping him there.

"That was amazing" Sean said slowly as the lights came on and the few people in the room left happily chatting away.

"It was not urp bad" Dark replied letting out a quiet burp before trying to stand up. Black eyes widening once the demon found himself unable to stand up, looking down the ego blushed madly seeing that his jacket and button up shirt failed to contain his huge stomach.

"Looks like someone enjoyed themselves" Sean commented reaching over and started to rubbed and poke at his boyfriend's large, taut paunch smiling when he heard Dark let out a soft exhale.

"Can you help me out of this?" Dark asked trying to push himself out of the tight chair but again failing miserably not even budging an inch.

"As much as I like you to stay like this Dark I want to go home and cuddle" Sean stood up slowly and grabbed both of Dark's hands and pulled with all of his might until a loud popping sound as the demon came out of the chair crashing into the Irishman and knocking each other onto the ground the ego being on top of Sean as their pudgy, plump bellies rub against one another and Dark accidentally letting out a burp in front of Sean's face.

"Oh my Gawd Dark, maybe I should call you gasbag" Sean teased his boyfriend who usually would either get annoyed or blush by the nickname but this time Dark stared lovingly at the human underneath him.

"I love you Sean" Dark confessed kissing Sean on the lips as they laid on the floor in the cinema.

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