Some Angel Robbie Headcanons (+Chubby Anti)

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. Robbie being a Zombie = Cute purple hair bean.
. Robbie being an angel = freckin adorable x10
. This sweet angel boi being the gentlest soul on Earth not wanting to harm any creatures and loves to spread positivity.
. Robbie being the Septic's therapist.
. Robbie always sensing someone's sadness and comforting them with words, hugs and wrapping his magnificent purple wings around their body.
. Robbie cannot cure addiction or mental illness which saddens him cause he can't stand to see humans in pain but ghat doesn't mean he won't help.
. Chase on the edge of relapsing and reaching for alcohol? Robbie snapping his fingers turning the alcohol into dust then using his empathic abilities he absorbs the negative emotions and gives Chase positive ones for a short time.
. Absorbing negative emotions always leaves Robbie exhausted but feeling happy that he helps.
. Robbie nearly having a panic attack sensing all the negativity coming off of Anti and causing him to cry.
. Not because Anti is evil but because Anti is in pain, so much self-hatred radiating off of the demon that makes the poor angel weep causing many bushes around the house catch on fire.
. Robbie doesn't understand why Anti hates himself so much, why does Anti stand shirtless showing his skinny upper body saying mean things that aren't true when Robbie only sees a beautiful soul in pain.
. Robbie confronting Anti about his self-hatred and his low opinion about himself and Anti hysterically crying clinging onto Robbie's purple shirt begging for forgiveness.
. That night Robbie temporarily taking away Anti's pain so the demon can have a single good night rest without any nightmares.
. Robbie being Anti's guardian Angel from now on.
. Everyday Robbie give Anti a huge breakfast giving him a compliment and hug from behind while saying "You are a good demon" which leaves Anti with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
. Robbie constantly snuggling with Anti whenever and whispering the reasons why Anti's a good person and why Robbie looks upto Anti.
. Anti thinking Robbie is being dishonest.
. But eventually with time Anti starts to believe he's worth it, he's a changed demon and... He's a good demon.
. Everyone noticing two huge changes from Anti. One he's more cheerful, more friendly and jokes around more instead of insulting everyone.
. Secondly due to Robbie's insistence of making Anti eat three full meals a day the demon has shredded his skinny body and now is a jolly chubby demon with his plump, tubby belly poking out underneath his shirts showing his belly button and two round squishy cheeks that Robbie loves to pinch.
. Robbie being proud of Anti.
. Robbie loving Chubby Anti and always saying how pretty the demon is and rubbing Anti's pudgy paunch lovingly.
. Everyone loves Chubby Anti and making sure the demon feels loved by hugging him, involving him in family game nights and constantly giving cookies to Anti.
. Anti and Robbie being best friends forever.

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