Chubby Septic egos x Depressed Reader

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A/n: I was debating whether or not to reupload this but honestly I felt a bit low the past week and reading this did help me a bit.

Warning: Sensitive themes in this! Be careful while reading this  

(6 Months ago)

It was a normal cloudy day at the chaotic hyperactive household of the septic's Marvin currently hiding in his room practicing his magic Henrik was in his doctor's office aka the basement and Jackieboy man was outside helping people and saving the world. You sat in the living room squished between two large bodies, on the left of you sat the chubby demon Anti being topless showing off his rotund basketball gut that sat on his lap light brown hairs littering around his deep belly button leading down towards his private area, two small flabby moobs sagged a bit gently sitting on the demon's paunch his pudgy digits smashing the buttons on the controller and his chubby stubble covered cheeks red from anger from being beaten over and over by his opponent who sat on the other side of you. On your right sat Chase who simply wore a plain dirty white vest that was two sizes too small as the material sat an inch above the dad's clean-shaven belly button, Chase's blubbering beerbelly just like the demon's rested on his lap his sausage fingers professionally tapping the buttons on the controller with ease and calmness his round fat cheeks red from taunting and laughing at the demon. The two egos forced you to watch them and possibly prevent Anti from murdering Chase so you sat there with an amused expression listening to the two grown men shout at one another.

"Damn Anti I knew you suck obviously from last night but this is a new level even for you" Chase teased the furious demon still beating the demon character's ass to the pulp.

"FUCK YOU Brody, I'm going to destroy that tight fat ass of yours tonight so much you be limping for a week" Anti raged on with some more colorful swear words that made Chase laugh causing the dad's pudgy spare-tire to wobble.

'Wait a minute..Did Chase implied that Anti gave him a very adult present last night and now Anti shouted his plan tonight about destroying Brody's ass. Ewwww' you thought to yourself pulling a very disgusting face. You knew the dynamics/relationships between the occupants was a bit odd since like everyone was dating and ploughing each other and numinous times they tried to include you in their "activity" which you politely declined because to be honest it sounded exhausting to you and if you going to be on your hands and knees for like an hour you want something to be shown like cleaning your bedroom.

"I didn't want to know about your "activity" last night and I certainly didn't want to know about your plans tonight. TMI" you said in a deadpan voice with the most serious expression on your face. Both men ignored their game to look at you before bursting into laughter at your face, Chase was the first one to recover as Anti put all his weight on you as he leaned on you taking his chance the dad finally ended the fight finally killing the demon's character making the supernatural entity groan in annoyance.

"I didn't even want to play this game anyway" Anti nonchalant said placing the controller onto your lap as he leaned back into the sofa his bright green eyes scanning your body from your head to your legs.

"There's always room for player 3" Anti winked at you with a smug look on his face.

"Why don't you ask Henrik or Marvin?" you asked bluntly shattering the demon's dream of having a three way with you and Chase. Anti's cocky smirk disappeared completely by an open mouth.

"I'm gonna keep asking yah until you say yes" Anti stated turning his focus back to the TV where Chase was picking his character.

"I know"

"You going to say yes to me eventually (y/n)"

"Don't worry...I won't" you said happily getting ready to pick your character until a phone started to blast (y/f/s). Again, both men looked at you while you fished it out giving them both an apologetic look before passing the controller back to Anti and answering the phone.

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