Chubby Darkiplier x Seamstress Reader

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A/n: I'll do apologise if this is a little messy and this was requested by DefectivePrincess

Dark watched from the doorway his black eyes locking onto his small petite girlfriend's body as she kept on babbling happily about her business trip, she was about to go on which could potentially could mean big business for her job as she sews clothing for her clients and earned a small profit and this new client could boost her profit enough for herself and her boyfriend. The demon stood still ridged like a statue his breathing starting to pick up speed a little bit and his pale hands trembled slightly seeing (Y/n) packing her bags caused him to worry his mind racing with many thoughts that could go wrong.

'What if the plane crashes? What if my sweet innocent princess gets kidnapped or stabbed or killed? Or what if (Y/n) finds someone better who can treat them better? Who's more handsome?' Dark thoughts were quick and rapid like his heartbeat that felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. A small bead of sweat rolled down his forehead rolled down Dark's forehead as he covers up his worries so that he doesn't worry his girlfriend, zipping up the luggage bag you turn around happily rolling the luggage behind you and stood in front of your boyfriend.

"I'll be gone for several weeks Darkie! I will call you nearly every day and keep you updated on things happening, I will miss you my handsome demon" You said softly gazing up at Dark with loving shining (e/c) eyes while your small hands straightened Dark's jacket slowly. Dark wrapped his beefy arms around his girlfriend's small waist as he leaned down and captured your lips putting all of his raw emotions into that one kiss.

"Go have fun my Princess! I know you going to knock that client's feet off the ground" Dark grinned showing his support for you as you grabbed the handle of your suitcase giving him one last peck on the cheek before walking past the demon your high heels clanking against the wooden floorboards and your (h/c) hair slightly swayed from the movements making your way downstairs and headed for the front door. Dark quietly followed his girlfriend like a lost puppy his eyes shining with sadness, anxious and stress as he didn't want you to leave but he didn't want to force you to stay as this was your dream job.

"I'm gonna miss you my dark prince" You said standing next to the front door and turned around with a nervous smile on your face and a strand of hair fell in front of your face.

"Same here Darling but the next several weeks going to fly by and we be seeing each other again. Anyway I'll be picking you up at the airport" Dark replied brushing your hair behind your ear softly his fingertips lightly touching your cheek making you shiver. Taking a few deep breaths you gave your boyfriend one last hug before pulling the door open and walking outside confidentially wheeling your luggage behind you heading straight to the taxi, Dark watched as the yellow car sped away rather quickly a heavy feeling settled on the demon's chest as he closed the door and walked back into the living room. The silence was deafening to the ego his eyes looking around the room feeling confused and lost without having you by his side.

'(Y/n) going to be fine, (Y/n) going to be fine...' Dark tried to reassure himself and calm himself down but nothing seemed to work as he felt himself starting to stress out thinking many possible scenarios that could go wrong. His body moved onto autopilot Dark quickly walked into the kitchen pulling out a massive tub of chocolate ice cream out from the freezer his hand ripping the lid off throwing it on the counter with a loud tapping sound and he'd used a spoon and shoved spoonful after spoonful of ice cream into his mouth as Dark sat down on the cold tiled floor his back resting against the fridge.

Something strange happened to the demon as he felt those stressed filled thoughts slowly disappear as he felt full from eating the ice cream, glancing down Dark was surprised to see that he ate the entire tub of ice cream and saw his usually flat stomach bloated outwards slightly giving a small bump in his jacket and yet he'd never felt this calm and relaxed in years.

"Guess I could eat till I'm full, to sit back and relax until (y/n) comes back. What's the worst going to happen to me? There's no point in me stressing out" Dark said to himself with a smile as he stood up and began to make himself a nice warm huge meal for himself.

(Several Weeks later)

Loud noisy chatter filled the airport as swarms of people rushed to their destinations heading to their gates their feet stamping on the ground. Dark looked outside the window next to the gate that (Y/n) would appear out his eyes brown not wanting people to know that he wasn't human, the demon sighed nervously as he shuffled on the spot feeling his attire super tight on his body. Dark looked at his reflection seeing his now slightly rounder cheeks in the window with a hint of a second chin if he looks down, his black jacket open as it wouldn't close around his overly inflated basketball plump belly jutting outwards proudly pulling the buttons on his ill-fitting shirt creating diamond gaps showing bits of tan flesh and Dark was sucking in his stomach as much as possible which wasn't a lot and the demon didn't want to imagine what will happen if he stopped sucking.

'Damn it! I hope (Y/n) doesn't notice how fucking fat I gotten. Stupid delicious food' Dark thought narrowing his eyes slightly before a smile blossomed on his face as he saw the plane that his girlfriend was on landing on the tarmac. Walking out of the gate with your luggage behind you, your (e/c) eyes roamed all over the waiting area trying to see over the sea of people. Your orbs soon locking onto your boyfriend's brown eyes and a massive smile broke out on your face as you rushed over to meet Dark, your mouth hung open slightly seeing your usually muscular boyfriend now appeared to be very chubby with his rotund, pudgy belly bulging proudly and a blush appeared on your cheeks.

"Good afternoon Princess" Dark called out joyfully as he wrapped his thicker arms around your body giving you a tight hug and the demon let out a soft sigh of relief having his girlfriend in his arms once again.

"Darkie! I'm glad to be back here with you" You replied relaxing in your boyfriend's arms feeling the man's soft, round paunch pushing against you. Pulling away you gave his rounder cheek a kiss as Dark took the suitcase from you with his other arm wrapped around your shoulders as you both slowly began to walk out of the airport.

'Dark's so much cuter now' You fangirled on the inside as you as you wrapped an arm around your boyfriend's waist and got comfortable in the demon's side. Biting your lip softly you placed a hand on Dark's beerbelly using your fingers you began to lightly knead into the tubby clothed stomach, Dark blushed feeling his girlfriend beginning to rub his gut sending relief and calmness throughout his body and he'd accidentally let go of his breath causing his already bulging belly to protrude outwards more and a loudish popping sound could be heard as a button popped off from Dark's shirt revealing his belly button.

"Don't worry Dark, I'll make you a new better suit once we get back home" You reassured your boyfriend your gaze never leaving his stomach as you used your hand to cover up the big gap in his shirt not wanting Dark to be embarrassed in public.

"Anyway...You look even more handsome with the weight" You suddenly spoke up out of nowhere making Dark look down at you in surprise making his second chin more noticeable as a blush covered his cheeks.

"R-really? You don't mind me with this extra weight?" Dark asked in a rather shy voice which you never heard and all you wanted to do is hug Dark and shower him in love and many kisses. Shaking your head, you pulled away slightly placing a delicate kiss on his cheek all the while rubbing your boyfriend's gut.

"Nope! You so adorable and anyway....chubby guys cuddle better" You replied the statement making the demon chuckle and relax more being more grateful to have you back home with him. Later on in the day you kept your promise swiftly making your boyfriend a new clean suit from scratch that the jacket and pants were red and his shirt was black, the new suit fitted perfectly on Dark who was absolutely adored it so much and you two spend the whole two days in bed as you showed your demonic boyfriend how much you loved his new chubby body.

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