Chubby Robbie x Fairy Reader

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"That is £2.50 for the blueberry slushie" A young cashier lad who couldn't be older than 19 with uncombed brown hair with acne covering his face spoke with the most boring monotone voice you ever heard.

"urghh here you go" you fished out the correct amount of change handing the money to the most enthusiastic cashier you ever seen in your life. Grabbing the slushie you politely thanked the cashier turning round you headed for the exit to leave the store but 3 steps later you collided into someone who let out a deep "oomph" as the stranger dropped his two bags of oreos and a terry's chocolate orange bar, without looking at the stranger you profusely apologised multiple times saying it was your fault and that you weren't looking. Bending down you picked up the oreos and the chocolate handing it to the stranger who shyly took it from you it was then you noticed how grey his skin was, looking up your eyes widened in surprise seeing an actual zombie standing in front of you all of his skin was a cloudy grey while his eyes were like a milky white. His hair dyed a purplish colour styled simply to the side so it wouldn't block his eyes your gazes shifted downwards seeing the zombie wearing a thin bright blue t-shirt that covered his medium football size beerbelly creating a sizable bump in his shirt making the zombie look 6 months pregnant and wore black jeans that looked like it was painted on, looking back up you saw wonder and happiness shine in his white eyes his eyes fixated just behind you where you transparent pink tinted wings located.



You both thought simultaneously staring directly at each other for a good 5 seconds. In the supernatural world magic coated all over different supernatural creatures acting like a veil or a costume masking what they truly look like from humans keeping them safe only other supernatural entities can look past the magic to see their true physical looks but there are hunters out in the world who have marked their skin with a strange symbol allowing them to look beyond the magic and hunt their prey. That was centuries ago mostly in the 16th and the 17th century most of your kind perished died with their loved ones in their arms you were the last fairy on earth and you thought there was no more zombies but it looks like you were wrong.

"Sorry about that sir have a nice day" you said walking past the zombie and out of the store. The weather outside was slightly warm with a bit of chilly gust of winds the streets weren't exactly busy at this time only a handful of individuals walking outside or taking their dog for a walk, your wings twitched with eagerness to spread your wings and fly high in the sky to feel the wind blow against your skin but you stomped that down quickly you couldn't do that out in a public place people would see that.

"Slushhhhiiiee person waiiiit" you heard a deep gentle slurred voice call out behind you. Bewildered by this you turn a complete 180 angle your eyes widened seeing the same zombie from the store walking slowly towards you one of his oreos packet already opened as he ate at a moderate pace and his stomach wobbled with every heavy step he took.

"Name Robbie" Robbie shyly and slowly said pointing at himself a timid smile blossomed on his face amplifying the roundness of his pudgy cheeks.

'How adorable I never thought a zombie could be so cute'

"My name is (y/n) nice to meet cha Robbie" you both shook hands and probably to your imagination you thought you saw the zombie's cheeks coated in red hue.

"Pretty name for a gooorgeous lad/lass fairy" Robbie complimented you but whispered the last word with fear in his voice as he looked around making sure no one heard him. An idea popped in your head maybe the zombie wanted to talk to you about being a supernatural creature and you knew a perfect solitude place where you both can talk privately.

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