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ashtonirwin: calum
ashtonirwin: pssst
ashtonirwin: calum

caluminthehood: ugh
caluminthehood: what do you want


caluminthehood: wHATcaluminthehood: whY DO I NOT GET A WARNINGcaluminthehood: it is caluminthehood: tOO EARLY caluminthehood: for you to look caluminthehood: tHAT GOOD

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caluminthehood: wHAT
caluminthehood: whY DO I NOT GET A WARNING
caluminthehood: it is
caluminthehood: tOO EARLY
caluminthehood: for you to look
caluminthehood: tHAT GOOD

ashtonirwin: cute boys that are
ashtonirwin: """ignoring""" me
ashtonirwin: don't get warnings
ashtonirwin: it's as simple as that

caluminthehood: you are saying that there is other boys i must compete with ??
caluminthehood: oh lord
caluminthehood: that would be fun
caluminthehood: but i'm not gonna fight for you

ashtonirwin: why not

caluminthehood: because
caluminthehood: i don't like you

[ caluminthehood is offline ]


ashtonirwin: it's rude to say things like that
ashtonirwin: you hurt my feelings bby

caluminthehood: boo hoo

ashtonirwin: why are you being mean
ashtonirwin: i thought we were friends

caluminthehood: well
caluminthehood: sorry to disappoint
caluminthehood: but no
caluminthehood: we're not friends
caluminthehood: you're just some guy i talk to

ashtonirwin: okay

caluminthehood: i'm kidding ash
caluminthehood: you're like
caluminthehood: my ONLY friend
caluminthehood: which i now realize is sad

ashtonirwin: you scared me

caluminthehood: sorry
caluminthehood: but i'm still not gonna fight for you

ashtonirwin: you don't need to fight for me
ashtonirwin: there's no one else i talk to

caluminthehood: then
caluminthehood: WHY
caluminthehood: do you
caluminthehood: have sex hair in that p h o t o

ashtonirwin: sex hair ? ?
ashtonirwin: you're kidding right

caluminthehood: dead serious

ashtonirwin: it's not sex hair you dummy


caluminthehood: l i e s

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caluminthehood: l i e s

ashtonirwin: i'm not lying
ashtonirwin: i just haven't brushed it yet
ashtonirwin: plus
ashtonirwin: it's too early
ashtonirwin: and one nights stands are stupid

caluminthehood: one night stands are nice
caluminthehood: a good 👉🏼👌🏼
caluminthehood: and you never have to see them again

ashtonirwin: oh my god
ashtonirwin: are you insane
ashtonirwin: don't you experience emotions??
ashtonirwin: don't you get attached??

caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: but you know what i DO have?

ashtonirwin: aids?

caluminthehood: fuck you
caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: crippling depression
caluminthehood: and the most powerful self hate you've ever seen

ashtonirwin: well
ashtonirwin: i was expecting a different answer
ashtonirwin: sorry

caluminthehood: it's fine
caluminthehood: i'm lying to you btw
caluminthehood: about the sex
caluminthehood: my depression is 100% genuine

ashtonirwin: i figured

caluminthehood: i haven't been dicked down in a while
caluminthehood: ugh
caluminthehood: i miss it

ashtonirwin: and i've come to the conclusion that you are in fact a dumbass

caluminthehood: i'm just blunt
caluminthehood: if u don't like it
caluminthehood: leave
caluminthehood: :)

ashtonirwin: why wouldn't i like it

caluminthehood: i don't know
caluminthehood: alright
caluminthehood: i gotta go

ashtonirwin: whyy

caluminthehood: guess
caluminthehood: ;)

ashtonirwin: oh my god
ashtonirwin: bye

caluminthehood: byeee

[ ashtonirwin is offline ]

[ caluminthehood is offline ]


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