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one day later


[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: i know i told you i'd wait for an answer
caluminthehood: and i will
caluminthehood: i am
caluminthehood: i just wanna know why you won't tell me you love me
caluminthehood: 'cause i know you do
caluminthehood: or at least i hope
caluminthehood: i understand if you don't
caluminthehood: and i understand that you're not gonna answer
caluminthehood: but i wanna know why you won't say it to me


two hours later


caluminthehood: i'm sorry for bothering you ash

[ caluminthehood is offline ]


two days later


[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: why don't you love me anymore?
caluminthehood: what did i do wrong?
caluminthehood: whatever is it, i can change
caluminthehood: i can be better
caluminthehood: just please tell me what i have to do to make you love me again
caluminthehood: i'm sorry i'm not good enough but i can be whatever you want
caluminthehood: please


Luke noticed Calum curled up in a blanket-wrapped ball on his bed, typing frantically on his phone. It was the second day that Calum had done this. And in those two days, he had hardly moved.

If he wasn't texting Ashton, he was crying (a lot of the time it was both simultaneously) and vice versa.

Luke had had enough of it.

Calum had work to go to the next day, and Luke would be there, obviously, but he had to get up sometime, and it was better to start before he needed to.

Luke plopped on the bed beside Calum and snatched the phone from his hand.

"Stop texting him." Luke firmly told him. Calum buried his face in his pillows and whined. "This is not healthy, Cal. Just give him time, okay?"

Calum didn't respond.

Luke repeated in a much softer voice, "Okay?"

"Sure, fine, whatever." Calum murmured shakily, fighting more tears. "Can I have my phone back?"

"Are you going to text him again?"

"No." Calum lied. Fortunately for him, he was usually a convincing liar.

But Luke knew him too well. "I don't believe you."

"I promise, Lu. Just please give me my phone."

Luke shook his head. "No. You're gonna get up, you're gonna take a shower, and eat something healthy because I can't remember the last time I saw you eat anything."

Calum groaned and pulled the blankets over his head.

Luke pulled them back. "I'm not gonna sugarcoat this for you, Cally. This is sad and it's hard for me to watch. I care about you, and I've had enough of watching you be broken over some guy. He's gonna text you eventually, and you'll be there when he does. But right now, you're going to get your ass up and function like a regular human being, got it?"

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