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that's calum's outfit

i'm horrible at explaining clothing, just warnin' ya in advance

he baby

you know the drill, italics = play audio


[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: i'm gonna see you soon my love
caluminthehood: i'm sort of nervous

[ astroash is online ]

astroash: why are you nervous?

caluminthehood: it's been a while
caluminthehood: a lot has changed between us
caluminthehood: i don't know what's gonna happen

astroash: imma cry
astroash: for sure

caluminthehood: :(
caluminthehood: me too
caluminthehood: oh, just so you aren't surprised

astroash: what is it?

caluminthehood: i might've
caluminthehood: done something to my hair

astroash: what did you do?

caluminthehood: you will see

astroash: should i be concerned

caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: i don't think so
caluminthehood: not about my hair
caluminthehood: about my crumbling mental state, yes
caluminthehood: but it's whatever

astroash: it's not whatever
astroash: i care about you
astroash: and i'm sure you look beautiful angel

caluminthehood: thanks?

astroash: i mean it
astroash: you're perfect
astroash: i'm supposed to tell you every day
astroash: i promised that i'd tell you every day how gorgeous you are

caluminthehood: it's okay
caluminthehood: promises get broken ash

astroash: they're not supposed to
astroash: promises are made to be kept
astroash: and i'm a fucking asshole for not keeping that promise

caluminthehood: you're not an asshole
caluminthehood: i like hearing it, but it doesn't matter
caluminthehood: you have forever to make me feel better, i guess
caluminthehood: it's fine

astroash: you know when
astroash: you look through old photos to see what it used to be like
astroash: what we used to be like
astroash: but then

caluminthehood: but then
caluminthehood: you remember that everything's changed and you get really sad

astroash: yeah

caluminthehood: yeah
caluminthehood: i was doing the same thing earlier...
caluminthehood: wanna see what i found?

astroash: please



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