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caluminthehood: aaassshhtoonn

astroash: yes my love

caluminthehood: i miss you :'(

astroash: i miss you too baby

caluminthehood: duke and i have finally been reunited
caluminthehood: wanna see

astroash: i always want pictures of you and duke


astroash: OJH MUH GLSJSastroash: hOLH SJIU

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astroash: OJH MUH GLSJS
astroash: hOLH SJIU

caluminthehood: can't understand when you key-smash

astroash: oh sweet baby jesus
astroash: what is THIS

astroash: OH SHIT astroash: CALUMM astroash: YOUR HAIRastroash: ISBL O ND E

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astroash: OH SHIT
astroash: CALUMM
astroash: YOUR HAIR
astroash: ISBL O ND E

caluminthehood: did it yesterday
caluminthehood: do you like it?

astroash: I LOVE 😍😍
astroash: YOU ARE
astroash: SO

caluminthehood: fuck alright would you calm down please
caluminthehood: don't get your panties in a bunch

astroash: first of all, you're the one that wears panties
astroash: and second
astroash: i need more pictures
astroash: please and thank you

caluminthehood: first of all, i wear panties cause they make me feel pretty

astroash: you are always pretty but ok

caluminthehood: second of all, here

caluminthehood: second of all, here caluminthehood:

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