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[ caluminthehood is online ]

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[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: you little bitch
caluminthehood: you can't start a conversation like that
caluminthehood: okay you're gorgeous so i forgive you
caluminthehood: damn
caluminthehood: l i ck me
caluminthehood: forget snacc
caluminthehood: you're a whole ass meal
caluminthehood: the prettiest daddy

ashtonofbricks: don't call me names
ashtonofbricks: i will whoop your cute ass
ashtonofbricks: try me

caluminthehood: no you won't
caluminthehood: and how on earth do you miss me
caluminthehood: we talked yesterday

ashtonofbricks: i'm allowed to miss you
ashtonofbricks: plus
ashtonofbricks: you told me yesterday that it's not supposed to all be stupid sex jokes
ashtonofbricks: and i have to earn your affection
ashtonofbricks: i'm trying to be sweet
ashtonofbricks: is it working?

caluminthehood: well
caluminthehood: did you hear me swooning

ashtonofbricks: you can just say no

caluminthehood: but that's not what i meant
caluminthehood: blushing super hard rn

ashtonofbricks: hAH
ashtonofbricks: i am a god

caluminthehood: only i can say that
caluminthehood: you have to be humble

ashtonofbricks: what why

caluminthehood: because
caluminthehood: i don't want my daddy being full of himself

ashtonofbricks: you
ashtonofbricks: you just
ashtonofbricks: you just said i'm yours

caluminthehood: fuck

[ caluminthehood is offline ]


Ashton groaned and set his phone down roughly. "Why did I have to say anything?" He stood up from his bed and ran his fingers through his hair, muttering his misfortunes to himself.

"Everything was fine-" he grumbled. "And I had to ruin it."

"Should I text him again?" Ashton pondered aloud, growing more upset by the minute. "I—he doesn't wanna talk to you, you ass. He probably thinks you're crazy."


"Why would I say that?" Calum whispered, astonished by his own words and the fact that his body seemed to move without him knowing.
"He probably thinks I'm insane-"

"He hates me now," he mumbled sadly. "Fuck, I don't want him to hate me-"

"I'm gonna tell him that I'm sorry—no! That's worse—I can't act like I didn't mean it—fuck!"

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