389 41 15

Three days later

ashtonofbricks: callyyyy

[ caluminthehood is online ]

ashtonofbricks: answerrr meee

caluminthehood: am not impressed 

ashtonofbricks: i miss talking to you
ashtonofbricks: what have you been doing?

caluminthehood: going to work
caluminthehood: definitely not crying

ashtonofbricks: damnit i wanna give you a hug

caluminthehood: you wanna get in my pants

ashtonofbricks: i wanna hold you
ashtonofbricks: and make sure you're okay

caluminthehood: i don't want you to hold me
caluminthehood: i'm fine

ashtonofbricks: maybe i want to be held

caluminthehood: then go find michael

ashtonofbricks: you're being very petty
ashtonofbricks: i'm being nice
ashtonofbricks: and respectful
ashtonofbricks: michael and i DID NOTHING
ashtonofbricks: he wasn't even at my apartment
ashtonofbricks: and i wasn't at his
ashtonofbricks: how can i help you understand?

caluminthehood: i want a sweater

ashtonofbricks: ??

caluminthehood: one of your sweaters

ashtonofbricks: okay
ashtonofbricks: are you gonna give me shipping details?

caluminthehood: you're actually gonna give me one?
caluminthehood: wow okay
caluminthehood: i'm still mad at you
caluminthehood: go ask luke

ashtonofbricks: is this you starting to forgive me??

caluminthehood: this is "calum is lonely" part 4 of 38819382929
caluminthehood: so no
caluminthehood: i just want a sweater

ashtonofbricks: do you want a specific one??
ashtonofbricks: idk im confused

caluminthehood: i want it
caluminthehood: to smell
caluminthehood: LIKE YOU
caluminthehood: don't care what it looks like as long as it's cozy

ashtonofbricks: yes sir
ashtonofbricks: right away sir

caluminthehood: do you realize what this means?

ashtonofbricks: i do not

caluminthehood: you will do whatever i say if it means i forgive you
caluminthehood: i'm in charge
caluminthehood: you listen to me now

ashtonofbricks: you greatly misjudged this situation
ashtonofbricks: i'm still in charge

caluminthehood: i don't think so
caluminthehood: because i could just leave right now
caluminthehood: and you couldn't do anything about it

ashtonofbricks: please don't
ashtonofbricks: please

caluminthehood: wow
caluminthehood: desperation is such a good look on you ash
caluminthehood: begging for my attention
caluminthehood: i love it
caluminthehood: mm
caluminthehood: so many good ideas come with a power bottom such as yourself
caluminthehood: think i could top you now?

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