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caluminthehood: hey ash
caluminthehood: guess what

[ ashtonofbricks is online ]

ashtonofbricks: what is it?

caluminthehood: it's really important
caluminthehood: possibly life threatening

ashtonofbricks: just tell me what it is

caluminthehood: mm

ashtonofbricks: calum

caluminthehood: i don't know

ashtonofbricks: tell me

caluminthehood: i'm gay
caluminthehood: *audience gasps*

ashtonofbricks: that
ashtonofbricks: that's the possibly life threatening information

caluminthehood: well
caluminthehood: what do you want me to say
caluminthehood: "you are a god, ashton—fuck me anytime"

ashtonofbricks: you're so straightforward

caluminthehood: ew
caluminthehood: no part of me is straight

ashtonofbricks: but i mean
ashtonofbricks: gladly
ashtonofbricks: if you want

caluminthehood: "if you want"
caluminthehood: obviously
caluminthehood: i call you daddy
caluminthehood: you think i don't like you
caluminthehood: g o d
caluminthehood: are you an idiot

ashtonofbricks: a little
ashtonofbricks: wait
ashtonofbricks: you like me?

caluminthehood: of course
caluminthehood: would i still be talking to you if i didn't?

ashtonofbricks: i suppose not
ashtonofbricks: ah
ashtonofbricks: i'm so happy

caluminthehood: how happy

ashtonofbricks: i can't stop smiling
ashtonofbricks: that's how happy
ashtonofbricks: which i now understand is stupid and childish

caluminthehood: let me see


caluminthehood: the fuckcaluminthehood: is it even legal to look that goodcaluminthehood: i'm suing for emotional distresscaluminthehood: do you just wake up like thatcaluminthehood: lookin like a godcaluminthehood: damn

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caluminthehood: the fuck
caluminthehood: is it even legal to look that good
caluminthehood: i'm suing for emotional distress
caluminthehood: do you just wake up like that
caluminthehood: lookin like a god
caluminthehood: damn

ashtonofbricks: i don't know
ashtonofbricks: now i get a picture of you

caluminthehood: f i n e
caluminthehood: you best be sitting down

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