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ashtonofbricks: michael michael michael michael
ashtonofbricks: michael
ashtonofbricks: mICHAEL
ashtonofbricks: MICHAEL
ashtonofbricks: GORDON
ashtonofbricks: CLIFFORD
ashtonofbricks: answer me you dumb fuck

cliffoconda: dude it is way too early for this
cliffoconda: what the fuck do you want

ashtonofbricks: i'm excited

cliffoconda: for what

ashtonofbricks: Calum's gonna come visit me
ashtonofbricks: i cant wait

cliffoconda: you-
cliffoconda: THAT is what you needed to tell me?
cliffoconda: why am i not surprised

ashtonofbricks: i'm so happy
ashtonofbricks: he wants to come on a job with me tho
ashtonofbricks: why do you think?

cliffoconda: now this is interesting
cliffoconda: maybe he thinks it'll be hot
cliffoconda: i don't speak gay
cliffoconda: sorry

ashtonofbricks: you're a liar
ashtonofbricks: how many dick pics have you sent to luke

cliffoconda: touché

ashtonofbricks: hmmp

cliffoconda: fuck off
cliffoconda: you were saying

ashtonofbricks: calum wants to watch me kill a person
ashtonofbricks: i don't understand why

cliffoconda: imma give you a few ideas
cliffoconda: 1. he wants to be involved in your life
cliffoconda: 2. he thinks Harry is hot
cliffoconda: 3. he thinks YOU are hot
cliffoconda: 4. he's a lunatic and you should forget about him and pay attention to me

ashtonofbricks: he doesn't know what Harry looks like
ashtonofbricks: and i very much dislike #4

cliffoconda: you only like 1 and 3 because they are compliments to you

ashtonofbricks: no
ashtonofbricks: it's because 1 and 3 are possible
ashtonofbricks: 2 and 4 are not

cliffoconda: you just don't want to believe that he's insane and you've wasted your time
cliffoconda: and he's gonna think Harry is hot
cliffoconda: just saying

ashtonofbricks: i don't care

cliffoconda: yes you do
cliffoconda: would you kill Harry if he tried to touch calum

ashtonofbricks: i guess
ashtonofbricks: can't owe anything to a dead person soo

cliffoconda: what did you even do to make him so mad

ashtonofbricks: killed one of his guys

cliffoconda: i know but what did his guy do to make YOU mad

ashtonofbricks: i thought you already knew this
ashtonofbricks: he fucked with family
ashtonofbricks: that's all im saying

cliffoconda: that's interesting

ashtonofbricks: mhm

cliffoconda: so would you kill anyone that fucks with me

ashtonofbricks: no, i'd probably kill you instead

cliffoconda: what why

ashtonofbricks: cause if someone is trying to kill you, it's probably because you did some stupid shit and got caught

cliffoconda: well then
cliffoconda: what a great friendship we have

ashtonofbricks: friendship??
ashtonofbricks: no
ashtonofbricks: i don't think so

cliffoconda: scuse you

ashtonofbricks: i still hate you for lying to calum
ashtonofbricks: you must earn my respect

cliffoconda: you're such an asshole

ashtonofbricks: you're going in the wrong direction
ashtonofbricks: bye bye

cliffoconda: fuck
cliffoconda: no no no wait

[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]

cliffoconda: son of a bitch
cliffoconda: fine

[ cliffoconda is offline ]


just a filler


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