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Calum woke up in Ashton's arms and he couldn't have been happier. Being held tightly against Ashton's chest, the older lads sleepy smile buried in his hair, their legs intertwined beneath the cozy blanket.

He wanted this forever.

Calum started to trace patterns on Ashton's fingers with his own, and Ashton smiled wider. He was awake, and had been for longer than Calum had, but Calum didn't need to know that yet.

"You make me so happy." Calum murmured softly. He brought Ashton's hand to his lips and kissed across it gently. "I'm already so attached...It's kind of terrifying."

He kissed each of Ashton's knuckles, then his fingertips. "I hope I don't screw this up, 'cause I don't want you to leave me."

Ashton thought this was one of the most adorable things he'd ever heard. Calum's voice was so soft, but almost wavering, and his hands and lips were so gentle on Ashton's skin.

Ashton loved this moment.

Calum smiled against Ashton's large hand, then pressed it to his bare chest so the older lad could feel his heart beating. "You're already my everything, and I'm so scared." He took a shaky breath. "I'm so scared, but I think that as long as you're with me, I'll be okay."

He pulled Ashton's hand from his chest and intertwined their fingers slowly, running his thumb along Ashton's. "And...I hope I make you happy."

Ashton's eyes slowly fluttered open and he kissed the top of Calum's head. His voice was deep, raspy and sent shivers down Calum's spine as be whispered, "You make me so happy, angel."

"Ashton!" Calum breathlessly squeaked. "You were awake the whole time, oh my--"

"Shh baby." Ashton cooed, trailing a finger down Calum's chest. "Listen to me, okay?"

Calum whined softly, "Okay."

"You won't screw anything up and I promise I won't leave you." Ashton smiled brighter into Calum's curls. "You're my everything too, beautiful."

Calum let out a soft mewl.

"You're so fucking perfect and I don't deserve you at all." The older lad gave a gentle squeeze to Calum's hand. "But since you're mine, I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way."

Calum rolled over quickly and buried his face in Ashton's chest. "I feel so stupid, I can't believe you heard all that."

He pinched his eyes shut tightly. "I'm so embarrassed..."

"Look at me, baby."

"No." Calum whined, dragging out the word.

"Please, Callie, look at me."

Calum slowly lifted his head, showcasing a little pout and his sad chocolate brown eyes.

"I'm sorry I made you feel embarrassed, baby boy. I swear it was the cutest thing I've ever heard."

"Really?" Calum asked quietly, his eyes shifting from Ashton's lips to his eyes.

"Yes." Ashton nudged their noses together. "Besides your precious little moans."

Calum whimpered softly and caught the older lads lips with his own. His hands immediately cupped Ashton's face, his thumbs running along the older lads jaw.
Ashton's hands slid to the boys hips and pulled him closer, letting Calum lead him in a fiery and eager kiss.

When Calum was first to pull away, Ashton let out a soft sigh. He loved the feeling of Calum's lips against his own and how the man's body fit perfectly in his hands.

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