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you people

you over there

s m u t

c r i n g e

e w

i'm s o r r y


They sat on the sofa, emerged in darkness. A movie played softly in the background, but neither payed attention to it.

Interrupting their tranquility, Ashton's phone rang loudly. He slowly picked it up, brought it to his ear, and tiredly responded, "Hello?"

Calum could hear the faint buzzing of a voice on the other line, but simply continued running his fingers through Ashton's hair. His mind didn't urge him to pay attention to the conversation.

A smile still etched onto his face, Ashton pulled Calum's hand from his hair. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy Calum touching him, it was just distracting, and this was an important call.

He laced their fingers together, only half heartedly listening to the conversation going on.

Calum's free hand traced random patterns on Ashton's thigh. He didn't understand it, but he needed constant physical contact between them or he felt as though the world might end. He felt stupid, but at peace. Clingy, but loved.

Ashton shifted his leg awkwardly away from Calum's hand. Now he was beginning to feel annoyed, and he didn't know why.

Calum frowned. "Ashy..."

Ashton tried to ignore him. Despite every instinct he had, he was angry beyond words and he had no idea why.

Calum's presence suddenly seemed to buzz around Ashton like a fly you could never swat. Every movement, breath and word seemed to infuriate Ashton to no end.

Ashton detangled their fingers. Calum couldn't even put into words how hurt and confused he was. It was a simple action that shouldn't have bothered him, but it broke his heart anyway.

"Stop, Cal."

Calum furrowed his brows in confusion, staring at his love with a most pained expression.

"I didn't do anything..." Calum mumbled, confused.

"Calum!" Ashton snapped. "I'm on the phone!"

Calum's mouth fell open slightly, unsure why Ashton was so angry at him.

"Just stop!" Ashton continued yelling. He refused to even look at Calum.

Calum clenched his jaw, stood up, and walked into his bedroom. Ashton had no logical reason to be angry, and Calum was hurt.

He sat sadly on the edge of the bed, still unsure why Ashton was so angry with him.

A simple touch had made Ashton furious, and Calum didn't understand it at all.

He clutched his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees as tears slipped from his eyes. He was in pain, confused and angry, and crying seemed to make that go away.

Truthfully, it wasn't just that small outburst that had caused this pain. He'd been taking care of Ashton, making sure the older lad was okay for a while, and it had taken a toll on him. He was emotionally exhausted, but knew that it wouldn't end anytime soon.

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