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Calum was sitting on the sofa in his living room, wearing nothing more than an oversized t-shirt, a pair of thigh high socks and a pair of his favourite panties. It was no later than nine in the morning, and he had just finished in the shower.

He had been mindlessly scrolling through programs on Netflix, switching between How I Met Your Mother and Friends, but he couldn't settle on one show. He could not seem to rest his mind; he was much too nervous, but for what he didn't know. He seemed to always be anxious lately.

A knock on the door nearly startled him onto the floor, and he quickly rushed to answer it. Normally, he would've cared about what he was wearing, but he was pretty content with the way he looked.

He had absolutely no shame.

Plus, the shirt went to about mid-thigh and nothing could really be seen. So he rushed to the door and swung it open, smiling not so much at the blonde woman standing there, but more so at the box in her arms. He knew exactly what it was and who it was from.

Calum eagerly took it from her and she glared at him, but he didn't care, and didn't want to think about why she looked so upset. Calum shut the door and leaped onto his couch, immediately opening the box, but careful not to be too rough with it.

Inside the box there was, of course, the cozy sweater (as requested), but also a few other items, none of which he had been expecting. There was a small box of chocolates, and what seemed to be dozens of little notes.

First, Calum tore off his shirt and put on the sweater, taking a deep breath because wow, it smelled amazing. He then pulled one of the folded pieces of paper and slowly opened it.

In Ashton's very neat handwriting was written, i adore you, calum hood.

i love your voice; i love your smile; i love your mind.

And there were so many more.

i love your beautiful eyes; i love that you speak your thoughts; i love how happy you make me.

"You cheesy motherfucker." Calum whispered, grinning ear to ear.

He reached further into the box, and when he pulled his hand out, he held a polaroid photograph. He now remembered requesting them with the hoodie, but it would have taken a lot to get him to admit that. He didn't want to be falling as hard as he was for the older man. 

There were photos of Ashton smiling, making funny faces, trying to look serious, and ones where he actually looked serious, because Calum distinctly remembered whispering, "Daddy," at one point.

He held all of the items to his chest, fell back against the sofa and giggled like a little school girl, muttering how happy he was. He felt a little childish for acting this way, but he couldn't help that that was how Ashton made him feel.

He grabbed his phone from the wooden coffee table and opened his and Ashton's messages, the same bright smile still dimpling his face. He had to express this joy somehow. 


caluminthehood: ASHYYYY

ashtonofbricks: yes love

caluminthehood: YOU'RE SO FUCKING SWEET 😍😍😍
caluminthehood: I WANNA KISS YOU SO BAAAAD

ashtonofbricks: I WANNA KISS YOU TOO
ashtonofbricks: but what did i do

caluminthehood: the stuff you sent me is here
caluminthehood: the sweater and the other gifts
caluminthehood: thank you so muuuch i love it <33333

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