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so i wanna give you guys something cool
have a little muke chapter right now


hemmotional: mikey
hemmotional: michael
hemmotional: kitten
hemmotional: baby boy
hemmotional: my love
hemmotional: princess
hemmotional: darling
hemmotional: angel
hemmotional: a n s w e r m e
hemmotional: im l o n e l y

cliffoconda: calm down lu
cliffoconda: i was on the phone,,,,,
cliffoconda: with my mother

hemmotional: sorry

cliffoconda: she kept asking who was blowing up my phone and i simply said "a friend" because i didn't know how to reply
cliffoconda: what is so important that you must have my attention right this very moment

hemmotional: i wanna talk to you
hemmotional: is that a crime

cliffoconda: in some country im sure
cliffoconda: what do you wanna talk about

hemmotional: i don't know
hemmotional: you're so pretty

cliffoconda: you're acting strange

hemmotional: because of the new season of stranger things??

cliffoconda: NO SPOILIEESSS

hemmotional: that was unnecessary
hemmotional: i don't even like that show

cliffoconda: well i do

hemmotional: i hadn't noticed

cliffoconda: sorry i called you a name
cliffoconda: you're not a whore lu

hemmotional: good boy

cliffoconda: what the fuck are you doing

hemmotional: trying to discover your kinks
hemmotional: praise kink ain't one apparently

cliffoconda: i don't have any kinks

hemmotional: so you're boring old vanilla all the way
hemmotional: i'm disappointed mikey

cliffoconda: i'm not interested in you
cliffoconda: i'm not gay

hemmotional: there's bisexual
hemmotional: pansexual
hemmotional: androsexual
hemmotional: asexual
hemmotional: polysexual
hemmotional: auto-sexual
hemmotional: it's not just gay and straight mike

cliffoconda: sorry
cliffoconda: i know

hemmotional: just be more open minded okay?

cliffoconda: okay

hemmotional: so you really don't have any kinks

cliffoconda: even if i did, i'm not telling you

hemmotional: which means that you do

cliffoconda: no
cliffoconda: i do not

hemmotional: okay sure

cliffoconda: sigh
cliffoconda: you're never gonna figure it out

hemmotional: i've got time, kitten
hemmotional: don't think i wont find out
hemmotional: i can always ask ashton

cliffoconda: don't call me kitten

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