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caluminthehood: hi daddy

ashtonofbricks: hey baby boy

caluminthehood: you wanna know what my favourite part of you is

ashtonofbricks: sure

caluminthehood: i love your collar bones
caluminthehood: i wanna mark em

ashtonofbricks: and i want you to

caluminthehood: and i love your lips
caluminthehood: can't wait to kiss em

ashtonofbricks: uwu

caluminthehood: and your hands
caluminthehood: can't wait to hold em

ashtonofbricks: ❤💕❤💕

caluminthehood: but personality wise (which is what actually matters)
caluminthehood: i just love that you seem to actually care about me
caluminthehood: you're so sweet
caluminthehood: and you make me so happy

ashtonofbricks: of course i actually care

caluminthehood: i can't wait to see you
caluminthehood: i hope it's soon

ashtonofbricks: you never answered me
ashtonofbricks: are you gonna let me pay

caluminthehood: i'm gonna feel bad
caluminthehood: i already do

ashtonofbricks: but i'm offering
ashtonofbricks: let me pay for you

caluminthehood: ashtonnnnn
caluminthehood: i'm gonna feel bad
caluminthehood: what if you don't like me?
caluminthehood: then it's a waste of your money

ashtonofbricks: of course i'm going to like you. i already adore you
ashtonofbricks: you don't need to worry about that
ashtonofbricks: please can i pay for you angel

caluminthehood: i'm prolly gonna get fired
caluminthehood: but okay
caluminthehood: i'll find another job
caluminthehood: but i don't think i'll find a better daddy than you

ashtonofbricks: awh
ashtonofbricks: how sweet
ashtonofbricks: baby can i ask you a question

caluminthehood: yeah

ashtonofbricks: do you have a headspace

caluminthehood: mm
caluminthehood: not really a headspace
caluminthehood: just sometimes im more submissive
caluminthehood: other times i try to dominate and end up being a power bottom

ashtonofbricks: okay
ashtonofbricks: but most of the time you call me daddy

caluminthehood: cause i know you like hearing it
caluminthehood: and you ARE daddy sooo

ashtonofbricks: okay then
ashtonofbricks: so we have some details to work out

caluminthehood: yeah
caluminthehood: so when, and for how long

ashtonofbricks: how about next week sometime
ashtonofbricks: and how long do you wanna stay

caluminthehood: um
caluminthehood: next week might work
caluminthehood: and i don't know
caluminthehood: when do you want me to leave

ashtonofbricks: well i don't want you to leave
ashtonofbricks: but how about a week and a half
ashtonofbricks: in case you get tired of me

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