400 39 33

caluminthehood: hey ash
caluminthehood: i've got a question

[ashtonofbricks is online ]

ashtonofbricks: what is it darling

caluminthehood: actually i've got two

ashtonofbricks: go ahead

caluminthehood: 1. what are we?

ashtonofbricks: what do you want us to be?

caluminthehood: i asked first
caluminthehood: what are we??

ashtonofbricks: i know what i want us to be
ashtonofbricks: but how about we discuss that when you're here with me, okay?

caluminthehood: okay
caluminthehood: 2. when i visit you, can i come with you on a job?

ashtonofbricks: there's a possibility that someone will die
ashtonofbricks: you wanna see that?

caluminthehood: yeah
caluminthehood: there's also a possibility that you will shoot someone
caluminthehood: i REALLY wanna see that

ashtonofbricks: why does the idea of me killing someone turn you on so much?

caluminthehood: i don't know
caluminthehood: it's makin me feel some kinda way
caluminthehood: i just find it hard to believe that you could kill someone
caluminthehood: you must be so angry
caluminthehood: so misunderstood

ashtonofbricks: what are you doing

caluminthehood: i'm bored

ashtonofbricks: and horny?

caluminthehood: ding ding diiing
caluminthehood: +3%

ashtonofbricks: i'm at 28%
ashtonofbricks: do i still have to wait for 75% to meet you

caluminthehood: guess not
caluminthehood: oh my god that's JDBAODBSBDBSHDNSJDJOQIEUE
caluminthehood: 🥵🥵🥵

ashtonofbricks: what now

caluminthehood: it's too nsfw
caluminthehood: i can't say

ashtonofbricks: tell me right now

caluminthehood: yes daddy
caluminthehood: just
caluminthehood: blood
caluminthehood: y'know
caluminthehood: perfectly normal things

ashtonofbricks: wow
ashtonofbricks: you are insane
ashtonofbricks: but that's okay
ashtonofbricks: cause ur fuckin cute

caluminthehood: very sorry to weird you out

ashtonofbricks: it doesn't weird me out
ashtonofbricks: but how do you find blood sexually stimulating?

caluminthehood: i don't know
caluminthehood: on you
caluminthehood: that would just be so hot
caluminthehood: ugh
caluminthehood: the mental image is so beautiful

ashtonofbricks: okay
ashtonofbricks: whatever you say baby
ashtonofbricks: do you need to go wank or sumn

caluminthehood: fine
caluminthehood: why don't you just send me away
caluminthehood: i'll just leave then

ashtonofbricks: no i don't want you to leave
ashtonofbricks: it's just that
ashtonofbricks: i uh

caluminthehood: you need to go?

ashtonofbricks: maybe

caluminthehood: it's so easy to turn you on
caluminthehood: my god
caluminthehood: what did i say?

ashtonofbricks: the mere idea of you just
ashtonofbricks: makes me happy

caluminthehood: i'm flattered
caluminthehood: thank you very much
caluminthehood: but imma have to say
caluminthehood: right back at u daddy

ashtonofbricks: i wish you were here with me

caluminthehood: oh really

ashtonofbricks: there's so much i wish i could do

caluminthehood: mhm

ashtonofbricks: so much i've been dreaming about doing

caluminthehood: keep dreaming then

ashtonofbricks: oh i will
ashtonofbricks: i most certainly will

caluminthehood: what would you do

ashtonofbricks: hm
ashtonofbricks: what would you let me do

caluminthehood: whatever you want

ashtonofbricks: really

caluminthehood: yeah probably
caluminthehood: at this point
caluminthehood: i'm so desperate

ashtonofbricks: is there something specific you want me to do

caluminthehood: fuck i don't know
caluminthehood: NO
caluminthehood: we are NOT sexting

ashtonofbricks: we weren't going to
ashtonofbricks: i was teasing you
ashtonofbricks: then i was gonna leave

caluminthehood: well i'm embarrassed
caluminthehood: oops

ashtonofbricks: don't be embarrassed
ashtonofbricks: just go if you need to go

caluminthehood: okay
caluminthehood: i'll be thinking about you daddy

ashtonofbricks: i hope so
ashtonofbricks: goodbye baby boy

caluminthehood: fuck
caluminthehood: bye

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]


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