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astroash: i'm sorry for leaving yesterday baby
astroash: i'll explain it to you whenever you want

caluminthehood: i know why you left
caluminthehood: and i'm the one that should be sorry

astroash: it wasn't you

caluminthehood: elaborate please

astroash: okay
astroash: i'm used to feeling this way
astroash: i'm used to being the only one that felt something in a relationship
astroash: but i just didn't want to argue with you over something so stupid
astroash: sex is something you like, and i enjoy it as well, but i need you to know that it isn't mindless fucking
astroash: i really care about you

caluminthehood: i didn't mean it like that ash
caluminthehood: i care about you too
caluminthehood: but i've never had feelings reciprocated in a relationship either so this is all new to me

astroash: i understand
astroash: so we're clear?

caluminthehood: yes
caluminthehood: not mindless fucking
caluminthehood: got it

astroash: are you angry at me?

caluminthehood: nope just terrified

astroash: why?

caluminthehood: i don't know how the fuck any of this is supposed to work
caluminthehood: my life is here, and yours isn't
caluminthehood: i don't have anyone but i grew up here

astroash: don't you think i've been trying to figure this out?
astroash: i've got a job and a family

caluminthehood: i know

astroash: we're so fucking screwed
astroash: life is so complicated

caluminthehood: you know how they say 'home is where the heart is'

astroash: mhm

caluminthehood: by that logic
caluminthehood: this bitch is supposed to be with you

astroash: yeah
astroash: i'm sorry that can't fix this for you

caluminthehood: don't be sorry
caluminthehood: it's my fault too

astroash: no it's not
astroash: you're perfect and i hate myself for making this difficult for you

caluminthehood: how did you make it difficult for me?

astroash: i just HAD to be here
astroash: instead of with you

caluminthehood: it's not your fault that you were born somewhere else

astroash: i wasn't born somewhere else cal
astroash: i was born in aussie

caluminthehood: how the fuck didn't i know this

astroash: it isn't important
astroash: i'm not there now

caluminthehood: oh okay
caluminthehood: so what else is a lie

astroash: nothing else is a lie
astroash: and that wasn't even technically a lie
astroash: lying by omission is the term
astroash: you didn't ask the question so i didn't give the answer

caluminthehood: yes i know what a lie is
caluminthehood: you're talking to a former closeted gay kid
caluminthehood: my whole life was a lie

astroash: i know
astroash: sorry

caluminthehood: so why did you leave

astroash: um
astroash: take a guess

caluminthehood: ARE YOU SERIOUS
caluminthehood: are you telling me that nick lives here and i could see him at any moment

astroash: yes?

caluminthehood: oh my god what if i've spoken to him
caluminthehood: what the fuck
caluminthehood: that's a lot of shit to throw at me so uh thank you

astroash: i'm sorry
astroash: you asked

caluminthehood: and i regret it
caluminthehood: now i'm worried
caluminthehood: i'm never leaving my house ever again

astroash: that's a mood

caluminthehood: oh
caluminthehood: my paranoia and anxiety is amusing to you
caluminthehood: that's great

astroash: didn't mean it like that baby
astroash: i was saying i agree with you

caluminthehood: i hope you step on a lego

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

astroash: so i guess you're angry now huh
astroash: well fuck
astroash: text me when you're not pissed i guess

[ astroash is offline ]


an hour later

caluminthehood: i am now less angry at you

astroash: oh goody
astroash: so anygay
astroash: why were you mad

caluminthehood: first of all
caluminthehood: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
caluminthehood: for the pun
caluminthehood: but i was angry because it seemed as though you found my crippling anxiety and depression amusing

astroash: i don't
astroash: depression is a very serious thing and not something to laugh at

caluminthehood: i laugh at serious things all the time
caluminthehood: but yeah i understand

astroash: i'm glad
astroash: now go to sleep i know it's late

caluminthehood: fine
caluminthehood: goodnight

astroash: goodnight

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

[ astroash is offline ]


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