413 39 47

ashtonofbricks: darling
ashtonofbricks: honey
ashtonofbricks: cupcake
ashtonofbricks: sweetie
ashtonofbricks: angel
ashtonofbricks: sunshinneeee

[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: what do you want

ashtonofbricks: to make you happy
ashtonofbricks: is it working?
ashtonofbricks: do i need to be more cheesy?

caluminthehood: i did not order any of this cheese
caluminthehood: i ordered a sweater

ashtonofbricks: yeah okay well you didn't say which one so i'm trying to pick
ashtonofbricks: plus there may or may not be other things with it

caluminthehood: ooh i love surprises
caluminthehood: how fun

ashtonofbricks: can you do me a favour?
ashtonofbricks: it's something really simple
ashtonofbricks: you don't even have to move

caluminthehood: depends
caluminthehood: what is it?

ashtonofbricks: can you just smile?

caluminthehood: can you give me a reason to?

ashtonofbricks: it only takes 17 muscles to smile but more than 40 to frown
ashtonofbricks: and if you're still gonna be mad at me
ashtonofbricks: smile for duke

caluminthehood: see
caluminthehood: 40 muscles to frown
caluminthehood: my face gets a lot of exercise then

( fuckin hell me too )

ashtonofbricks: please?

caluminthehood: how are you even supposed to know if i actually do it?

ashtonofbricks: well
ashtonofbricks: the sun will shine brighter
ashtonofbricks: the stars will align
ashtonofbricks: and my heart will do something like
ashtonofbricks: jebdaodjnsbdiwnsnzkaisndndndb
ashtonofbricks: 💖💞💗💕💘💝💖💞❤️💝

caluminthehood: you planned that
caluminthehood: you knew that my grumpy ass was gonna be mean

ashtonofbricks: i was being honest
ashtonofbricks: that's all

caluminthehood: that just earned you a whopping 6%

ashtonofbricks: so i'm at 11%

caluminthehood: how does one math??

ashtonofbricks: +3% from when i said the stupid thing about being an organ donor
ashtonofbricks: +4% from saying that i like you a lot
ashtonofbricks: -2% when i said i was "better than you"
ashtonofbricks: and +6% just now for my cuteness
ashtonofbricks: 3+4=7
ashtonofbricks: 7-2=5
ashtonofbricks: 5+6=11%

caluminthehood: excellent job mr. smarty pants
caluminthehood: you've passed 1st grade with a B average
caluminthehood: you will be allowed to see me irl when you reach 75%

ashtonofbricks: allowed?
ashtonofbricks: i can fly down to you right now

caluminthehood: i can call the cops and have them waiting for you at the airport
caluminthehood: :-)

ashtonofbricks: the NOSE
ashtonofbricks: oh my Jesus Christ
ashtonofbricks: the nose
ashtonofbricks: wowie
ashtonofbricks: i am truly shocked
ashtonofbricks: you said you hated the nose????

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