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(Play the song when you see italics)


Ashton once again woke up, and Calum had seemed to vanish. He knew that the boy couldn't have gone far, so he climbed out of the bed and wrapped his arms around himself, trudging out into the kitchen.

It was early morning, probably no earlier than 2:30am.

Calum was leaning against the kitchen counter, clutching his head in his hands. He made no sound or movement, but Ashton could tell he wasn't feeling well.

"What are you doing up, angel?" He softly called, walking over the the tanned lad but not touching him simply for fear of hurting him.

"Can't sleep." Calum eventually muttered, keeping his head ducked low.

"You could've woken me." Ashton told him, biting at his lip.

Calum only shook his head. He didn't really feel like talking.

Calum had never been like this before, at least not that Ashton had seen. He didn't want the boy to ever be like this when he was alone, because it probably wouldn't stay so calm.

"Will you come back to bed with me?" Ashton tried instead, placing a gentle hand on Calum's arm.

Calum looked up to Ashton with sad, almost desperate eyes, but still said nothing.

Ashton's hand slid down to Calum's, carefully intertwining their fingers. "Please?"

The tanned lad nodded, then launched himself into Ashton's arms. Tucking his face tightly under Ashton's jaw, wrapping his arms around Ashton's waist, he'd never felt so safe.

Every bad thought seemed to drift away, all bad feelings followed.

Ashton smiled and returned the embrace. "Are you okay, baby?"

"I'm better now."

"Wanna go back to bed?"

Calum's breath was warm against Ashton's neck as he continued using all his strength to hug the older lad.

"Not yet."

Ashton began humming softly, and Calum smiled, rocking them gently back and forth on their heels.

Calum recognized the song. "Will you sing it to me?"

Ashton grinned and pressed a quick kiss to the top of Calum's head, smile becoming lost in the boy's hair. "Baby, I haven't sang in—"

"Please, Ash?"

Calum's tone was almost a whine, and he was definitely pouting. Ashton could feel the boy's lips on his neck, and it made him shudder. He just couldn't say no to his love.

Ashton continued to grin, and he took a deep breath before beginning.

"God damn I'm so nervous. God damn I'm so small. Hope that you don't see the signs."

Calum couldn't help smiling. He didn't even have a word for how he felt, he only knew that he wanted to feel it forever.

"God damn I'm so worthless. God damn I'm so gone. Glad that you're with me tonight."

Ashton wished that this moment could last forever. It seemed perfect. It was perfect.

"Hold me like the night sky holds the moon. Wrap me in your arms just like you do. Sing me something sweet and take me in. Lead me somewhere that I've never been."

Love had been almost foreign to the pair. New, frightening, unwanted, unneeded. But being here with each other felt so right.

"Stay with me. Stay with me. Every time that you leave I swear that I lose my mind."

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