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ashtonofbricks: hey you

[ caluminthehood is online ]

ashtonofbricks: hey
ashtonofbricks: you
ashtonofbricks: you're just gonna
ashtonofbricks: not answer me
ashtonofbricks: because i won't call you a name
ashtonofbricks: okay

caluminthehood: sorry
caluminthehood: i'm petty
caluminthehood: but it works

ashtonofbricks: i don't think so
ashtonofbricks: because i'm still not calling you that name

caluminthehood: but

caluminthehood: butcaluminthehood:

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caluminthehood: how about now

ashtonofbricks: fuckin' hell
ashtonofbricks: you are SO FUCKING GORGEOUS
ashtonofbricks: so tempting cally
ashtonofbricks: but sadly no

caluminthehood: but

ashtonofbricks: no buts

caluminthehood: yes butts

ashtonofbricks: dear lord
ashtonofbricks: you're so beautiful
ashtonofbricks: i can't
ashtonofbricks: forgive me father for i have sinned

caluminthehood: scuse you
caluminthehood: are you using my photos for nasty things

ashtonofbricks: no

caluminthehood: mhhmm

ashtonofbricks: i mean
ashtonofbricks: even if i WAS
ashtonofbricks: wouldn't that gross you out?

caluminthehood: uh
caluminthehood: actually
caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: why?

ashtonofbricks: i don't know
ashtonofbricks: i mean
ashtonofbricks: it wouldn't bother me
ashtonofbricks: but not while we have a conversation at least

caluminthehood: okay then

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

ashtonofbricks: what
ashtonofbricks: on earth
ashtonofbricks: are you doing
ashtonofbricks: calum
ashtonofbricks: n o
ashtonofbricks: really?

caluminthehood: what
caluminthehood: the fuck
caluminthehood: do you think

ashtonofbricks: oh my shit
ashtonofbricks: why

caluminthehood: why not honestly

ashtonofbricks: sksk
ashtonofbricks: okay i have a question then
ashtonofbricks: which picture
ashtonofbricks: calum
ashtonofbricks: which picture
ashtonofbricks: C A L U M
ashtonofbricks: it's been forever
ashtonofbricks: answer me

caluminthehood: does my prolonged absence answer your question, sir?

ashtonofbricks: fuck
ashtonofbricks: right in the middle of our conversation
ashtonofbricks: damn

caluminthehood: whatever
caluminthehood: you were only complimenting me
caluminthehood: you do that all the time
caluminthehood: go ahead and sue me

ashtonofbricks: okay

caluminthehood: ugh
caluminthehood: you know what woulda made it better

ashtonofbricks: what

caluminthehood: if you had called me
caluminthehood: baby
caluminthehood: boy

ashtonofbricks: christ cal
ashtonofbricks: you're insane

caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: i'm be g g in g

ashtonofbricks: nope
ashtonofbricks: i'm not calling you that name

caluminthehood: why not
caluminthehood: i was good

ashtonofbricks: i know
ashtonofbricks: i'm sorry
ashtonofbricks: but teasing you is so much fun

caluminthehood: i'm pouting rn
caluminthehood: i hope you feel really bad

ashtonofbricks: i don't
ashtonofbricks: sorry

caluminthehood: well
caluminthehood: i'm gonna go cry bc you hate me
caluminthehood: bye

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

ashtonofbricks: what
ashtonofbricks: i don't hate you cal
ashtonofbricks: come back
ashtonofbricks: you're so difficult
ashtonofbricks: fine

[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]


Absolutely no idea what's happening lol


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