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caluminthehood: send me cute pics of you smiling RIGHT NOW

[ astroash is online ]

astroash: okay?

caluminthehood: wow i love you caluminthehood: you look so cuddly and i miss you so much

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caluminthehood: wow i love you
caluminthehood: you look so cuddly and i miss you so much

astroash: i FEEL all cuddly
astroash: the blanket smells like you ❤
astroash: and i miss you too angel


caluminthehood: me, admiring your entire flawless being

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caluminthehood: me, admiring your entire flawless being

astroash: 😍😍😖😖
astroash: you're so damn beautiful
astroash: not to be a wh*re or anything but i kinda wanna kiss you all over
astroash: and h*ld your h*nd

caluminthehood: i'm about to cry and i have no idea why

astroash: baby boy don't you dare be sad
astroash: i hate it when you're sad
astroash: it breaks my heart when you're not over the moon happy

caluminthehood: i don't think i'm sad ash

astroash: then what is it, love?

caluminthehood: aight listen up bitch
caluminthehood: i know i tell you a lot but i really do mean it when i say i love you
caluminthehood: and i just want you to know that you mean the world to me and i am nothing without you
caluminthehood: and even though i'm babey i kinda wanna spoil you with all the things money can and cannot buy
caluminthehood: so yeah i just thought i'd tell you cause you make me so fucking happy

astroash: 😍😍😍😍😍
astroash: you are babey
astroash: and you make me so happy too darling

caluminthehood: please never leave me

astroash: wouldn't dream of it angel

caluminthehood: now i'm blushing 😡😡😡

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