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{ trigger warning: self harm, lots of self-hate }

don't hate ash for this, okay?

there's a reason (but i'm not sayin it's a good one)


As soon as they entered Calum's apartment, Ashton seemed furious. Calum noticed this anger, and backed away slowly towards the kitchen counter.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Ashton, he simply wanted to give the older lad space. Calum rarely saw Ashton angry, but knew that it wasn't a good sight. 

Ashton noiselessly closed the door, and made no other movements for a few moments.

"Ashton?" Calum quietly said, confused by the older lads actions.

"Calum." Ashton whispered. "Do you understand why I'm upset?"

"No." Calum tiredly replied. "I don't."

Anger flashed through Ashton's eyes again, brighter than flame. "The coffee shop earlier. You remember that, don't you?"

"Obviously." Calum rolled his eyes slightly. "It was less than twenty minutes ago."

"So you remember the guy who made our drinks, right?"

"Yeah. He was sweet."

"He gave you his phone number, Calum." Ashton's voice had started to raise, and Calum didn't like it.

"I was there." Calum sassily remarked.

Ashton clenched his jaw. "Calum."

The younger lad sighed. "He gave me his phone number. So what?"

Ashton slammed a large fist against the door. "You're mine!" He yelled, making Calum flinch. "Mine."

Calum was trying to ignore how quickly Ashton's anger had grown. "It's flattering to be given a phone number. If he gave it to you, I wouldn't act like this. And you'd be happy too."

"You were smiling at him." Ashton growled. "And you seemed to be flirting back."

"I didn't want to hurt his feelings, Ash. Plus, he was kinda cute."

Ashton growled again. "You think he's cute?"

"Yeah!" Calum replied, exasperated. "So fucking what? It's not a crime to look!"

"You belong to me!" Ashton yelled, taking a step forward.

Calum backed away further. "I don't belong to anyone!" He shouted back. "You don't fucking own me, Ashton!"

"You're mine." Ashton repeated. "And if you think that it doesn't hurt seeing you acting flirty with him, you're wrong."

"I wasn't acting flirty!" Calum assured him. "I accepted the number, smiled, and walked away. But I could not have been less interested!"

"Then why the fuck did you call him cute?"

Calum clenched his jaw. "Because he's cute! Ashton, he's a fucking kid!"

"I don't care!" Ashton shouted. "You belong to me."

"I don't belong to you!" Calum shouted back, voice wavering slightly. "Stop being a fucking asshole! If he gave it to you, you'd be smiling!"


"And you'd have accepted it, too!"

Ashton exhaled sharply. "No. I wouldn't have. Yeah, I would've been flattered, but you're all that I need."

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