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this is the next day btw


Calum loved today. Truth be told, he loved every second that he was with Ashton, but today was simply amazing. When they woke up, they didn't leave the bed for a while (it was an unspoken decision on both of their parts).

Calum's lips were pressed delicately against Ashton's collarbone and his hands were wrapped around the older lads waist. Ashton's smile had long ago been buried in the boys hair as his hands drew mindless patterns on his angel's back.

Ashton couldn't remember a time when he had been this happy. Calum felt the same way.

When they eventually left the bed, Ashton cooked breakfast for them, and Calum made sure to take many pictures (because how many people could really say that this man had been shirtless in their kitchen cooking for them?).

After they ate, they got dressed. Separately, because Ashton didn't want to overstep or make the boy feel like he was there just to be used.

Calum would've loved it if Ashton just did exactly what he wanted, because Calum probably wanted it more. But he also knew that it was good to wait. He didn't want Ashton to think that he only wanted sex.

And when they finally made it out of the house, it was nearly noon. They met Michael at a nearby coffee shop. Ashton had no problem with Michael tagging along, as long as he didn't get in the way of all the cheesy couple-y things that Ashton wanted to experience with Calum.

Now, they were walking along the streets of LA, Ashton and Calum holding hands; Michael recording most of their movements as he chanted, "Otp, otp."

When they walked by a certain building that Michael deemed necessary, he yelled for them to stop walking, then snapped a photo of them (Calum's tongue out in a totally "punk" way, as per Michael's request).

Once the photo had been taken, Ashton leaned over the rest of the way, turned his head and joined their lips quickly. Calum smiled into the kiss and placed his hand on Ashton's jaw.

Michael took a photo of that too. It was secretly his favourite one.

When Calum pulled away, he ran his knuckles along Ashton's jawline, through the little bit of stubble that had begun to grow. "I really like this."

"Yeah?" Ashton quietly taunted, rubbing his nose against Calum's.

"Yeah." Calum bit his lip. "It makes you look...I don't know, more mature."

"Well thank you, baby." Ashton kissed him gently once again. "I'm glad you like it."

Ashton grabbed a handful of Calum's bum and squeezed gently, pressing his lips to the man's earlobe and whispering, "your ass looks great in those jeans, angel," before he intertwined their fingers and continued to talk.

Yes, Calum was a blushing mess, and yes, Ashton was aware, but teasing Calum was his favourite thing, and Calum loved being teased. His face still a rosy pink, Calum tangled his fingers in the hair at the nape of Ashton's neck, pulled softly and whispered in his ear, "Thank you, daddy."

Ashton smirked, Calum smiled innocently and brought Ashton's knuckles to his lips, and so began a day of merciless teasing.


It was an hour later when they stopped for lunch. Michael was the one to suggest it; Calum and Ashton were still too caught up teasing each other with random touches that sent fireworks through their bodies and words that should not have been said in public.

Once the three had settled in a booth for their meal (Michael on one side, Calum and Ashton on the other), the blonde lad began chattering about random things and scanning through the menu while the other two simply could not stop staring at each other.

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