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"Fuck!" Ashton groaned, startling the boy awake.

He had dark brown hair that most would classify as black, he had a button nose with freckles dusted carefully over top of it. He looked unnaturally skinny, each bone quite defined.

"Who a-are y-you?" The boy inquired, desperately trying to sound tough; though his voice wavered and he looked more sad than anything else. His hand harshly gripped a pistol by his side.

Ashton didn't want to frighten the boy anymore than he already had, so he held his hands out to assure him, and Calum still cowered behind Ashton.

"I'm Ashton, and this is my..." He paused momentarily. "This is Calum. Do you know why we're here?"

"I think so."

"Ashton." Calum cautiously whispered, gripping the honey-haired lads hand. "He's only a kid, you can't kill him."

"I know, baby. But if I don't, Harry will kill me."

"I-I'm r-right here." The boy stuttered out.

"You're Adrian, correct?"

Adrian nodded. "Yes."

Ashton briefly closed his eyes, biting at his lip. "How old are you?"

"I'm f-fourteen."

"Fuck." Ashton quietly said.

The boy let the gun fall from his small hands. "Do whatever you need to do. It's okay."

"No." Calum cut in. "Ashton, we're not going to kill him."

"I have to-" Ashton mumbled. His expression was quite pained, and his voice only a whisper. "I have to, Cal."

"No. He's only a boy, Ashton. You can't."

Adrian sighed. "Let me know when you decide." He sunk down on the sofa, resting his head in his hands.

Calum tugged Ashton a few steps away from the boy. "I'm not letting you kill him. As much as I wanna see that happen, he's only a kid. And look at how broken he looks, Ash. I can't do that to him."

"It would be me that did it, love. I-I have to.."

"No. Bring him to Harry."


The tanned lad interrupted him with a sigh. "I can't stop you, Ash. But I'm gonna be disappointed if you do this."

"Fuck, you're really gonna make me choose? You're the psychopath that wanted to watch me kill someone!"

"I am still sitting right here." Adrian weakly mumbled. "I can still clearly hear you."

"I don't appreciate being called a psychopath, but for now, I'll let it slide."

"Son of a bitch." Ashton groaned. "Alright, lets go."

Calum smiled and pressed a sweet, long lasting kiss to Ashton's lips. "Thank you."

Ashton sighed quietly and gave Calum a weak smile.

Adrian's pale, sickly features quickly brightened. "So who's the bottom?"

Calum giggled and Ashton grinned wickedly.

"I should be able to tell, but I'm getting mixed signals." Adrian tapped his chin in thought. "I think it might be you-" He pointed at Ashton. "But I could be wrong."

Calum burst out laughing. "See? Everyone thinks you're a bottom, Ash. Just embrace it."

"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish-either of you-but I'm pretty sure that I wasn't the bottom when you were screaming my name this morning."

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