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astroash: calum 😔

[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: what is it what happened who do i need to kill

astroash: you don't need to kill anyone

caluminthehood: why are you sad

astroash: mikey is making me go outside
astroash: "you need to be in a social environment"
astroash: "talk to real people"
astroash: i think the fuck not

caluminthehood: okay so you're being a dramatic bitch™️
caluminthehood: why?

astroash: cause i didn't wanna get dressed
astroash: but he was gonna take my phone away so i listened to him

caluminthehood: you sound like a child

astroash: yeah

caluminthehood: what did you end up wearing

astroash: sigh
astroash: gimme a second

caluminthehood: okay


"Mikey!" Ashton screamed, clutching his phone in his hand as he leaned casually against the bathroom countertop.

Michael came running into the bathroom, wearing a frightened look on his face. "What?"

Ashton innocently looked up at his younger friend. "Take a picture of me?"

Michael's features immediately switched to a frown. "Don't do that to me."

Ashton's lips slipped into a pout. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Michael shrugged. "Just please do not scream like that over a photo."

"I-I won't. I'm sorry." Ashton bit his lip. "I really appreciate you being here for me, Mike. Thank you."

"You're my best friend. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else."

That made Ashton smile.

"Plus, I don't have anywhere else to be."

That made Ashton chuckle. "Take the picture."

Michael held his hand out, and Ashton placed his phone carefully into his palm. "Anything for you, mate."



(please just pretend his hair is black, i'll probably change the photo later but i'm too tired right now)

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(please just pretend his hair is black, i'll probably change the photo later but i'm too tired right now)

caluminthehood: okay what the fuck
caluminthehood: this is not fair
caluminthehood: my eyes are sweating

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