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this photo actually hurts??

i love them so much

someone send hELP


Ashton was coming to visit Calum today. It was about a week after their phone call, the one in which they exchanged their first I love you's.

It was sort of sudden, and it hadn't been very long since they saw each other last, but those three words are important in a relationship and they felt the need to see each other.

Ashton had trouble sleeping the night before. Truthfully, he had trouble sleeping most nights when Calum wasn't with him. But this went beyond loneliness and being touch craved. He felt himself grow increasingly sadder as the days went on, but he was going to see Calum, and he hoped that would make everything better.

Calum always made everything better. His smile was the only medicine that Ashton needed.


astroash: we just landed baby

caluminthehood: okay
caluminthehood: i'm nervous

astroash: why darling?

caluminthehood: i just feel like i'm gonna screw something up 'cause it's so different,,,,

astroash: everything is the same, except this time i can tell you that i love you

caluminthehood: i know but what if i fuck something up

astroash: how could you fuck anything up?
astroash: i'm so in love with you and nothing can change that
astroash: i promise

caluminthehood: i'm in love with you too ashy
caluminthehood: i guess you're right
caluminthehood: i'll see you soon 💗

astroash: see you soon angel 💗

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

[ astroash is offline ]


Calum was immensely excited to see Ashton. In his opinion, it had been way too long since he'd been in the older lads arms, but he knew he was being clingy.
Maybe Ashton wasn't as excited to see him, and maybe Ashton wasn't excited at all. Calum didn't care. He was excited to see Ashton, and that was all that mattered.

Short minutes later, Calum was still patiently waiting for his love, but there was so many people that he was having trouble seeing anything. He felt a sudden rush of anxiety. He would feel so stupid if he couldn't find Ashton. Ashton would laugh at him for sure. That would be such a horrible feeling.

It was an irrational fear, but a fear nonetheless. Calum bit his lip and stared out into the crowd of now separating people. He still couldn't see Ashton.
Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms go around his waist and a voice in his ear whispering, "I've missed you, baby boy."

He recognized that voice. He recognized this feeling.

"Ashton!" He squeaked and spun around, smiling so wide that he wondered how his face didn't hurt.

Ashton returned the boy's smile and tightened his arms around him.
Calum threw his arms around Ashton's neck. Before either had the opportunity to speak again, their lips were connected.
This kiss didn't hold as much innocence as the others. This one was much more passionate, and a tad more eager.

Ashton's hands stayed around Calum's waist, and he fought the urge to move them lower. Calum tangled his fingers in Ashton's fiery locks, tugging gently as he used every bit of strength in his body to press against Ashton's.

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