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{ big ass trigger warning - suicide, self harm }

nickel: hey ashy
nickel: how are you doing babe

astroash: fuck off
astroash: i hate you

nickel: you used to love me
nickel: what happened?

astroash: you changed
astroash: or maybe i just finally saw who you really were
astroash: but i'd like you to fuck off

nickel: no thanks
nickel: i wanna talk
nickel: tell me how you've been babe

[ astroash left the chat ]


astroash: hey calum
astroash: can i ask you something?

[ caluminthehood is online ]

caluminthehood: oh fuck
caluminthehood: did i do something wrong?

astroash: of course not love
astroash: you're perfect as always

caluminthehood: :0 thank god
caluminthehood: what is it?
caluminthehood: are you okay?

astroash: not exactly
astroash: nick texted me

caluminthehood: you want me to make him piss off?

astroash: please

caluminthehood: of course ash
caluminthehood: anything for you
caluminthehood: whats his user?

astroash: thank you baby
astroash: i appreciate you

caluminthehood: 😇😇

[ astroash sent a profile ]


caluminthehood: so a certain ashton told me that you're bothering him
caluminthehood: i'd appreciate if you would fuck off thanks
caluminthehood: he hates you, you did a good job making sure of that
caluminthehood: he's mine

nickel: he's not yours
nickel: and he will never be

caluminthehood: he already is you asshole

nickel: part of him will always belong to me
nickel: you can't change that
nickel: no matter how hard you try

caluminthehood: i know that you meant a lot to him, but he's over you
caluminthehood: you hurt him a shit ton
caluminthehood: and he's tired of it

nickel: he still calls me y'know
nickel: late at night, when he can't sleep
nickel: still calls me over for a good fuck

caluminthehood: mhm
caluminthehood: do you have proof?

nickel: don't you trust me?

caluminthehood: not in the slightest

nickel: ash is such a good bottom
nickel: he's so loud & submissive
nickel: takes me so well

caluminthehood: i would roast you but i've been told not to burn trash
caluminthehood: so

caluminthehood: i would roast you but i've been told not to burn trash caluminthehood: so caluminthehood:

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