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Ashton had fallen into a sound sleep with Calum in his arms. He woke up with only an empty feeling inside, as Calum had seemed to disappear.

He groaned inwardly as he crawled out of the cozy bed, searching for a shirt to wear (as he only slept in boxers).
When he couldn't find a shirt, he decided to simply pull on a sweater instead.

After he had finished adjusting the hoodie to a more comfortable position, he slowly made his way out to the living room/kitchen area, where he was immediately put into a trance by so many wonderful smells.

Ashton smiled to himself upon seeing Calum. He wore Ashton's t-shirt—the one he'd been looking for—and a pair of his panties.

He walked as quietly as he could up to the tanned lad, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Why'd you let me sleep in?" Ashton asked, his low, gravely morning voice sending tingles down Calum's spine.

"I'm makin' you breakfast." Calum shyly mumbled, his words almost a sigh as he relaxed into Ashton's touch.

"Thank you, baby." Ashton lifted his head from Calum's shoulder, gently placing his lips at the top of Calum's spine. Calum's hair tickled his nose, and it made him smile. "You're so sweet."

Calum only hummed.

"Are you okay, darling?"

The younger lad nodded. "M'great."

A few short moments passed, and these were the moments they enjoyed. Neither needed to say anything, they simply basked in each other's company. Both had wished for something like this, but never thought they'd have it. Now they did, and they couldn't imagine themselves with anyone else.

"I love you." Ashton suddenly mumbled, kissing along Calum's exposed shoulders in between each word.

"I love you too." Calum quietly replied, and Ashton could tell that he was smiling.

The hazel-eyed lad tightened his grip around the newly blonde haired boy. "So beautiful." He hummed. "All mine."

Calum allowed a giggle to escape his lips, face turning a light shade of pink. "All yours." 

"What do you think of these?" Ashton inquired, mouth brushing over the hickies littering Calum's shoulders and neck.

"Love them." Calum murmured.

Ashton grazed a careful hand over Calum's thigh. "These one's too?"

Calum nodded sheepishly. "Yeah."

Ashton slowly began to rock back and forth, with Calum still in his arms, earning a quiet squeak from the younger lad.

"I'm trying to cook for you." He muttered. "Stop being so cuddly."

Without warning, Ashton released the boy from his grip, stepping away from him entirely. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.

Calum's mouth fell open. "I didn't mean-!"

"You know that whenever you tell me to stop, I will stop."

Calum chewed on his bottom lip. "You're just really pretty and it's distracting."

Ashton let out a quiet chuckle. "I really have that much of an effect on you, hm?"

"Yes!" Calum exclaimed, frustrated. "You know that you're a fucking god and you continue to tease me constantly."

"I tease you?" Ashton countered. "You're out here in nothing but my shirt and some panties, but I'm the one teasing?"

Calum's face went a deep crimson. "Shit, you're right. I'm such a fucking tease."

Ashton smiled softly. "That's okay. I love that you're comfortable enough around me to do these things. And who doesn't like being teased?"

"I don't know. Sometimes you don't like it."

"Sometimes, I just can't resist you."

Calum grinned. "You're too sweet, Ash."

"I'm just being honest. You're perfect, Calum. I can't believe that you're mine."

"You'd better believe it, 'cause I'm not going anywhere."


They decided that it would be a relaxing day. Movies, cuddles, and of course, their normal teasing. 

Currently snuggled up on the sofa, bodies intertwined, The Breakfast Club was playing on the TV and so far Calum had mouthed every single word that was said.

Ashton loved seeing Calum this happy. He'd seen the boy at his best and worst, but he truly enjoyed it when Calum was happy.

His smile could light up a room, and his laugh could cure even the saddest of days. Ashton was scared by his own feelings, but this was a kind of fear he could gladly get used to.

Calum giggled softly as the movie continued playing, and Ashton was so enchanted by his beauty that he couldn't take his eyes off the boy.

"Ash-" Calum whispered, nudging Ashton's jaw with his lips. "You're staring, my love."

Ashton smiled at the nickname. "Oh. M'sorry."

Then they turned back to the movie. But Ashton's eyes slowly drifted back to Calum.

"Ashton." Calum mumbled, eyes not leaving the screen. "You're staring again."

"You're just so beautiful."

The room was dark, but Ashton could tell that he made Calum blush.

"I-I'm not."

"You are." Ashton pressed a soft kiss to Calum's cheek.

"How charming." Calum taunted, smirking. "Just watch the movie."

The older lad continued smiling, then turned back to the screen.
He wasn't really watching, because he just enjoyed Calum's company.

The boy's giggles made Ashton's heart flutter, and his smiles could lift anyone's mood. Ashton was so immensely happy being around this beautiful boy.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't still feel sad. But Calum made that better, even if only for a little while.


shitty ending with much mistakes (i'm assuming)

next chapter is my favourite uwu


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