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After Ashton had set Calum's bags in his bedroom, he had shown Calum around the apartment, and each time they spoke was slowly becoming less awkward.
At one point, their hands had even rejoined, but they decided to say nothing about it. They could barely even look at each other, because every time Calum looked at Ashton, all he could think about was kissing him, and when Ashton looked at Calum, all he could think about was doing it again.

Fuck, this whole situation was unbelievable; overwhelming even. Calum, for so long, had wanted to be here with the older man, and now that he was, there were so many things he wanted to do and see. Obviously he wanted to kiss Ashton again (and do so much more, although that was not the point), but he mostly just wanted to enjoy his presence.

Because over texts, Ashton was wonderful to talk to, but in person it was so much better. Hearing his voice in person, hearing him say all the things he had imagined for so long made Calum's heart beat faster, his stomach churn and a tingle run down his spine. In pictures, and on phone calls, Ashton was gorgeous, but in person, Calum could've cried because of how truly breathtaking he was. Being able to touch Ashton and be with Ashton made Calum ecstatic.

Eventually, Ashton had led Calum to the sofa, and then sat down beside him. Calum wanted to move closer, but he resisted the urge because he didn't want to seem clingy.
All of those thoughts suddenly went away when Ashton put a strong arm around his waist and pulled him onto his lap, which caused Calum's breathing to hitch and a blush to grow on his cheeks.

"Is this okay?" Ashton quietly asked, gently holding on to Calum's hips.

The younger lad nodded softly and tucked his face into Ashton's neck. "So much better than okay."

Ashton smiled brightly and held the boy even closer. The younger lad kissed Ashton's smooth skin softly a few times and felt his heartbeat speed up instantly. Each time Calum would shift his hips even the tiniest bit, Ashton would get that look in his eyes, the look Calum had only seen before in their facetimes. The look that made his stomach churn and his knees weak.

"Baby boy, relax."

"M'relaxed. But I won't be if you keep calling me that."

"Okay, sorry." He joined their lips softly, then broke away and chuckled, "Mm, could kiss you forever."

"So why don't you?"

"Because I also wanna kiss you all over." Then his lips were attached to Calum's neck. He just squeaked and continued to run his fingers through the man's hair. "I'm--fuck, I'm so happy right now I could break out in song."

"You have a lovely voice, Ash, that'd be wonderful."

His cheeks flushed. "Thank you, angel. What do you want me to sing?"

"I dunno."

Ashton thought for a moment, then quietly cleared his throat and began, "We'll do it all, everything, on our own."

Calum sighed out "beautiful," and closed his eyes.

"We don't need anything or anyone."

He hated singing in front of people. He hated his voice; thought he was a terrible singer. But in truth, his voice was perfect, according to those who mattered. And the person who mattered to him most was sitting on his lap, playing with his hair.

"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

Calum sang the next part, "I don't quite know how to say how I feel."

"Those three words are said too much; they're not enough."

They sang together, "If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lay with me and just forget the world?"

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