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astroash: two more days and then i'll see you again
astroash: i cant wait

caluminthehood: ugh i know
caluminthehood: two days feels like forever

astroash: just don't think too much
astroash: it'll be soon

caluminthehood: i need to go out and buy a BUNCH of shit
caluminthehood: there is like nothing in this house

astroash: why not?

caluminthehood: cause i don't eat a lot at home?
caluminthehood: i eat at work sometimes

astroash: sometimes??
astroash: that's not healthy baby
astroash: you're supposed to eat three meals a day
astroash: and if not, you should have a snack every couple hours

caluminthehood: you're not my dad

astroash: you're right
astroash: but i am your boyfriend and i care very much about you
astroash: so please eat more

caluminthehood: maybe when you're here i'll have some motivation

astroash: what do you even do when i'm not with you?

caluminthehood: cry, surf the web, starve myself, cry some more, go to work
caluminthehood: then repeat

astroash: babyyy

caluminthehood: what? i'm just being honest

astroash: you shouldn't be sad when i'm not there

caluminthehood: why not
caluminthehood: i'm too busy being happy when you ARE here
caluminthehood: and i have to be sad sometime
caluminthehood: so i'll just be sad when you're not with me

astroash: you shouldn't be sad at all
astroash: you're too pretty

caluminthehood: itsokaytobesadsometimes

astroash: i'm not going to win this am i

caluminthehood: no

astroash: sigh

caluminthehood: wig : snatched
caluminthehood: tea : spilt
caluminthehood: self esteem : low
caluminthehood: hotel : trivago

astroash: oh my
astroash: i love you so much

caluminthehood: that makes one of us
caluminthehood: but i love you too


caluminthehood: it's not my fault that i'm trash caluminthehood: and don't call me a bitch caluminthehood: bitch

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caluminthehood: it's not my fault that i'm trash
caluminthehood: and don't call me a bitch
caluminthehood: bitch

astroash: hypocrite
astroash: i don't know how many times i have to tell you baby
astroash: you are p e r f e c t
astroash: PERFECT

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