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ashtonofbricks: hey cal

caluminthehood: hi
caluminthehood: is there something you want


caluminthehood: sooncaluminthehood: i promise

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caluminthehood: soon
caluminthehood: i promise

ashtonofbricks: i have to wait like three more days and it's killing me

caluminthehood: and i thought i was desperate
caluminthehood: wow

ashtonofbricks: can we just talk about random shit to distract me

caluminthehood: yeah okay
caluminthehood: what do you wanna do when i get there

ashtonofbricks: pft
ashtonofbricks: you

caluminthehood: what do you want me to see??
caluminthehood: any special places?
caluminthehood: anything big and exciting??

ashtonofbricks: k im reealllly horny
ashtonofbricks: you've gotta know how that sounds to me rn

caluminthehood: oh i do
caluminthehood: i have a really great idea
caluminthehood: will i get to meet michael?
caluminthehood: OR HARRY

ashtonofbricks: you don't wanna meet either of those people

caluminthehood: yes i do
caluminthehood: for my plan

ashtonofbricks: what is your plan

caluminthehood: to make you jealous so we can have angry sex
caluminthehood: dUH

ashtonofbricks: this is not helping
ashtonofbricks: at all

caluminthehood: i know
caluminthehood: IDEA
caluminthehood: EVEN BETTER IDEA

ashtonofbricks: what is it baby

caluminthehood: will you take pictures with me
caluminthehood: for my tumblr

ashtonofbricks: you want me to?

caluminthehood: yesyesyesyesyes
caluminthehood: that would be wonderful
caluminthehood: fuck
caluminthehood: the image in my head is just
caluminthehood: G O L D

ashtonofbricks: is my face gonna be in it

caluminthehood: mine isn't
caluminthehood: so yours doesn't have to be

ashtonofbricks: then yeah i'll take pictures with you

caluminthehood: y e s
caluminthehood: well uh
caluminthehood: now im a different kind of excited

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