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the tattoo will look something like that ^^


"I love it, baby." Ashton smiled, and Calum squeaked. "It's perfect."

"So are you." Calum whispered, then leaned his head on Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton blushed, keeping his eyes focused on the drawing in front of him. "Shut up."

"Why don't you make me?" Calum taunted cheekily, smirking into Ashton's neck.

"How do you switch from sweet to horny in a matter of seconds?" Ashton chuckled, running a hand through his angel's hair.

"Your voice, just...fuck." Calum whined softly. "I know you don't feel good, but fuck, your voice does things to me."

"I know, beautiful." Ashton kissed the boys forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ash."

They stayed silent for a few moments, simply holding each other. Although they loved talking, and they loved each others voices, silence between them was always comfortable.

"So, when do you wanna get it done?" Calum then asked quietly, growing excited and nervous.

"We can go tomorrow afternoon." Ashton offered. He noticed Calum's suddenly tense body language, and grabbed his hand. "Don't be worried, angel."

"I-I'm not worried, Ash. I'm excited, but...also kinda scared."

Ashton carefully intertwined their fingers, rubbing circles on Calum's hand with his thumb. "Why are you scared?"

Ashton's small gesture soothed Calum more than most words could.

"This is a big step, y'know? We're taking our relationship to the next level, and it's scary." Calum looked over at Ashton with a sad smile. "Aren't you even a little nervous?"

"Of course I am." Ashton almost laughed. "But I'm so happy with you, Calum. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and these tattoos will be with us as long as we'll be with each other."

Calum blushed and buried his face in Ashton's neck again, "Shut the fuck up you sappy ass."

"Never." Ashton giggled, placing his chin atop Calum's head. Calum detangled his fingers from Ashton's, then practically crawled onto his lap; suddenly craving physical contact.

Ashton only smiled wider, wrapped his arms around the boy, and sighed contently. "I'm always gonna love you, you know that, right?"

Calum exhaled deeply. "I know, Ash. I love you too. Actually, I love you more."

"Not possible." Ashton disagreed. "I love you more."

Calum shook his head and smiled against Ashton's skin. He let his lips rest on Ashton's collarbone, and his eyes fluttered shut.

These were the moments they enjoyed. There was nothing to worry about, neither of them were in any pain, and their love was stronger than anything.

It wouldn't be like this forever, but they could hope.


The next morning, Calum was cooking breakfast as Ashton showered.

He wanted to make sure that they had something to eat before they got their tattoos, because they didn't know how long they'd be there.

Calum had chosen to wear a simple black and white polka dotted shirt, and his usual black skinny jeans.

"You look beautiful, angel." Ashton whispered, kissing beneath Calum's ear as his arms snaked around his waist. Calum jumped slightly as Ashton appeared behind him, causing Ashton to smile.

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