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[ caluminthehood is online ]

[ caluminthehood added hemmotional and cliffoconda to the chat ]

caluminthehood: guys help me

hemmotional: with what

cliffoconda: how can we help you

caluminthehood: i wanna talk to ash but i'm scared
caluminthehood: he's so fragile rn and i don't wanna hurt him anymore

cliffoconda: what are you planning on saying to him

hemmotional: and when

caluminthehood: well as soon as possible
caluminthehood: he's the love of my life
caluminthehood: and i kinda just wanna tell him that i'm sorry
caluminthehood: and i want him to be better

hemmotional: i say go for it man
hemmotional: it won't get better unless you try

cliffoconda: yeah tbh just talk to him
cliffoconda: say what's on your mind

caluminthehood: normally i would
caluminthehood: but i can feel us drifting apart
caluminthehood: i can feel our relationship changing and i know its not for the better
caluminthehood: i can't lose him
caluminthehood: he's my everything

cliffoconda: i'm sorry dude
cliffoconda: i've never seen ash happier than when he's with you
cliffoconda: and i want you guys to be happy and be together forever

hemmotional: but maybe you guys aren't meant to be

cliffoconda: not helping lu

hemmotional: sorry kitten

caluminthehood: i wish our relationship was still like yours
caluminthehood: you seem so happy
caluminthehood: you never fight & you love each other so much

hemmotional: yes i do love mikey more than anything

cliffoconda: yeah i second that

hemmotional: but we fight
hemmotional: over some of the dumbest shit
hemmotional: and all the time

cliffoconda: yeah
cliffoconda: & not just the i love you more fights
cliffoconda: which happen a lot

hemmotional: yeah because i love you more

cliffoconda: no i love you more 😡

caluminthehood: :(

hemmotional: turn that frown upside down

caluminthehood: the "(" wouldn't change due to its horizontal symmetry
caluminthehood: so :(

hemmotional: reflect that frown over the vertical axis

caluminthehood: ):

hemmotional: now rotate that frown around the point at its center

caluminthehood: :)

hemmotional: perfect

caluminthehood: i'm still not happy but that did make me smile a little bit

hemmotional: good

cliffoconda: wow cake is such a cute bromance
cliffoconda: i love ❤❤

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