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As soon as they'd walked through the door, it felt like a million pairs of eyes were settled on them. Though there were only about ten people, it had always been a fear of Ashton's to be watched by this many.

Calum noticed how angry Harry looked when they walked through the door, and as soon as Ashton pushed Adrian aside, Calum cowered behind him.

Adrian shot Ashton a confused and upset look. "What the fuck-"

"Ashton!" Harry interrupted, rage lacing his words. "I sent you to kill that twit, why the bloody hell would you bring him back to me?"

"Look at him, Harry. He's a kid. I understand that you need me to do my job, but he's so young." Ashton's voice stayed calm, even though he was so very worried. He knew what Harry was capable of. He had seen it. But he didn't want Calum to see it.

"I don't care!" Harry boomed, waving his arms as punctuation. "You-" He pointed at Adrian. "Come here. Now."

Adrian looked over at Calum.

Calum nodded. He was scared. More than he'd admit.

"I said: now!" Harry's voice continued to get louder. Calum shrunk further into Ashton's side, tightly gripping his hand.

Ashton pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Calum's head. "You're okay, angel."

Calum slowly nodded. Of course he was okay-for now.

Ashton knew that people were watching them, but he didn't care. He only cared about Calum.

Adrian stepped closer to where Harry and his goons stood. Harry grabbed his arm, tugging him directly in front of him.

"Do you know what you did?" Harry tauntingly whispered in his face.

Adrian winced and said nothing.

"Do you know what you did?" Harry repeated, louder.

Even the men that worked for Harry wouldn't dare get involved when he was like this. Harry could be a very nice person, but when things didn't go his way, he was a handful.

"Yes." Adrian croaked out.

"Tell me."

The freckled boy stayed silent.

Harry brought his gun up to Adrian's head. "Tell me what you did."

"I-I was just protecting my sister!" Adrian defended. "She was s-so young and you fuckers killed her!"

"I don't fucking care!" Harry lightly squeezed the trigger of the gun. "Do you want to die?"

"I-It doesn't matter-" Adrian mumbled, voice wavering.

"Can you get me my money?"

Adrian shook his head slowly, his mouth starting to form words. That small gesture was the biggest mistake he could've made. Before he could even make a sound, Harry pulled the trigger, and Adrian fell to the ground.

Calum let out a quiet squeak, burying his face in Ashton's neck. He wanted to see this, but he didn't think that the boy deserved to die.

Ashton wrapped an arm around Calum's waist, pulling him into his body. "I'm sorry, love."

"Must I do everything myself?" Harry asked, donning an astonished and amused expression. Ashton shot him an evil glare.

Calum mumbled something inaudible, then lifted his head reluctantly. The first thing his eyes landed on was the blood. A dark red liquid pooled around the boy's head, all colour drained from his face. His mouth still hung open, trying to form words that would never be spoken.

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