233 17 35

{ trigger warning: mentions rape, self harm and suicide }

caluminthehood: ashton oh my god help

astroash: what is it baby

caluminthehood: what if air is poisonous and it just takes a certain amount of years to kill us all
caluminthehood: so that's why we get all wrinkly and sick the older we get

astroash: woah
astroash: way to make me question my existence first thing in the morning

caluminthehood: and what if the 'terms and conditions' held the cure to cancer but no one knew

astroash: because nobody reads them oh my god
astroash: okay, what if everything you see right now is just a hallucination caused by breathing oxygen

caluminthehood: is that why you black out when you stop breathing

astroash: shit

caluminthehood: or what if a random guy walks up to you and hands you a book
caluminthehood: and when you read it, you realize it's the story of your entire life
caluminthehood: would you read it to the end?

astroash: i would
astroash: but what if it gets to the part you're at right now, and there's only like three pages left

caluminthehood: then you just make the most of those last few pages i guess

astroash: damn okay wow
astroash: speechless

caluminthehood: WAIT OH MY GOD
caluminthehood: WHY DO WE NOT HAVE THOSE

astroash: theme parks love
astroash: they're called theme parks

caluminthehood: but you have to pay for theme parks

astroash: that's the adult part

caluminthehood: son of a bitch

astroash: you're fuckin adorable baby
astroash: i love you so much

caluminthehood: love you too ashy
caluminthehood: more than anything

astroash: i miss you darling

caluminthehood: so come back

astroash: i can't
astroash: not yet

caluminthehood: why the fuck not
caluminthehood: you already did that last job
caluminthehood: so why are you postponing this

astroash: i'm not postponing it

caluminthehood: oh?

astroash: i have to get rid of some things baby
astroash: the guns and everything
astroash: i don't need them anymore, and i really don't want them around
astroash: but it isn't just an overnight thing
astroash: i have to plan it carefully, because if someone finds them, i'm fucked

caluminthehood: going to refrain from making a sex joke due to the severity of this situation

astroash: thank you

caluminthehood: logically i know you're right
caluminthehood: but emotionally, this is garbage i want cuddles and kisses

astroash: i know, calum

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